BUild lists.

By TryerImp, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Being a new player to this game and only having player a few games (less than 10), I need a little help putting together a competitive deck.

I have one set of everything so have pods 1-126. Any multiples of pods are how they come in the packs.

What would be a good competitive LS and DS build? Everyone says you needs 2 x core etc but I wasn't going to pay out the money just for the extra pod here or there.

Thanks in advance.

It's certainly possible to build decks with only a single copy of the core set and Edge of Darkness, but you really don't waste very much picking up a 2nd copy of each as they consist almost entirely of single copies of objective sets that you can run x2.

A second core set is a somewhat bigger deal for dark side IMO due to stuff like Motti and the Emperor, but a lot of the iconic units there have been or will soon be outshone by newer versions unfortunately (Yoda, Boba Fett, both of whom will return in Between the Shadows, are two huge examples). I wouldn't say it's a case of power creep, so much as they did not seem to realize how important damage capacity is in this game until a bit later. Economically speaking though, I recommend waiting to pick up a second Edge of Darkness until when/if you want to start playing Smugglers and/or Scum, as the non-riffraff objectives largely tend to serve a supporting role (Opening Moves, Ghosts of the Dark Side, etc.) and are set up in such a way that only rarely should you require 2x in a single deck.

Edited by MarthWMaster

You have 1 of everything? You can do a lot with that.

Sith Affiliation

2x The Slave Trade (Zygerrian Slavers & Galactic Scum)

2x The Findsman's Intuition (Zuckuss & 4-LOM)

1x The Tatooine Crash (Jawas)

1x The Droid's Task (IG-88)

2x The Plan of the Prophetess (Sariss)

2x Scouring the Empire (Jerec)

The goal here is to hold the Force and disrupt your opponent by capturing cards.


2x May the Force Be With You (New Yoda)

2x Ties of Blood (Jedi Leia)

2x A Deep Commitment (Ferus Olin & Asteroid Base)

1x Flight of the Crow (Moldy Crow)

1x The Secret of Yavin 4 (Jedi Guardian & C-3PO)

1x A Hero's Journey (Luke)

1x Heroes and Legends (Kyle Katarn)

The one thing you're really missing in this deck is the second copy of The Secret of Yavin 4. That objective set has a lot of good trick for Light Side decks. Otherwise, this is a very control-oriented deck that just bides its time as it whittles down the opponent through holding the Force and Leia's reaction. When the time is right, knock out objectives by shielding your units and using those shields in conjunction with Asteroid Base to pump up your blast damage.

A lot of good decks these days have a few objectics here and there that are included as single copies. I think as the card pool grows, you won't need 2x Core and Edge as much. There are plenty of options for you by just using the Force packs and other deluxe expansions. The thing is, while you will still be able to make great decks, certain decks will be out of your reach because you really need 2x of certain objectives to make those decks work.