Tycho Celchu: Daredevil 101

By Khyros, in X-Wing

Yeah, and they shouldnt. Perfect example, actually. My pt-buddy runs an evil flanker in vader, prockets, eu and something else. Predator maybe. It's a fun and fairly strong ship thats super thematic and feels nice to fly. But for that amount of points there are just better options out there if you wanna optimize your build for competitive play.

Edited by Scoundrel

Yeah, and they shouldnt. Perfect example, actually. My pt-buddy runs an evil flanker in vader, prockets, eu and something else. Predator maybe. It's a fun and fairly strong ship thats super thematic and feels nice to fly. But for that amount of points there are just better options out there if you wanna optimize your build for competitive play.

The game isn't all about the top tier though. Tycho and Vader at those points are fun and decent. Sure, they are not the gatekeepers of the meta, but they aren't trash.

Definitely very maneuverable but I don't think we'll ever see it at the top tables.

Yeah, and they shouldnt. Perfect example, actually. My pt-buddy runs an evil flanker in vader, prockets, eu and something else. Predator maybe. It's a fun and fairly strong ship thats super thematic and feels nice to fly. But for that amount of points there are just better options out there if you wanna optimize your build for competitive play.

It turned up at Worlds.

Sry I didnĀ“t mean PTL. I meant "pit" - as in throw Whisper in the ring vs Tychu! WHO wins the mobility battle?

Ah, sorry. From my experience against Whisper, Tycho can't stack up at PS8 vs VI Whisper at PS9. However, I have played a game against a non-VI Whisper, in which case Tycho had no problem tracking her down and staying safe.

PTL is interesting on a Phantom. Triggering off of ACD you can Focus and turn yourself into a Whisper for a turn. Or barrel roll. I play with it on echo for fun times with advanced sensors just to see what one crazy sequence I'll pull off.

PTL is interesting on a Phantom. Triggering off of ACD you can Focus and turn yourself into a Whisper for a turn. Or barrel roll. I play with it on echo for fun times with advanced sensors just to see what one crazy sequence I'll pull off.

I've never considered that. That is very interesting - I'm surprised we haven't seen that before. You could ACD and the BR out of arcs or take the focus as your action for offense, and then take an Evade after you've done your damage.

PTL is interesting on a Phantom. Triggering off of ACD you can Focus and turn yourself into a Whisper for a turn. Or barrel roll. I play with it on echo for fun times with advanced sensors just to see what one crazy sequence I'll pull off.

I've never considered that. That is very interesting - I'm surprised we haven't seen that before. You could ACD and the BR out of arcs or take the focus as your action for offense, and then take an Evade after you've done your damage.

Problem is that it takes the slot of Veteran's Instinct, and reduces your dial to just the greens when you use it (If a Phantom is stressed before it fires, It cannot recloak with Adv S., and is therefore dead to turrets)

It's very fun to fly otherwise :)

I figured I'd give an update to this thread. For the past 2 weeks or so, I've probably gotten ~20 games in with Tycho, and he's definitely starting to convince me that he can be competitive. The main concern I currently have is the time limit, though it is difficult to judge this as most of my games have been on Vassal, which always takes longer than irl.

I have concluded Tycho cannot handle phantoms, as such, every successful list I've run has had a PS10+ X/E with R3-A2 to deal with them. This is just my personal preference on how to deal with phantoms (well, actually, I prefer my Gencon archetype with a Blackmoon w/ R3A2, Dagger w/ HLC, and Roark - no matter where the phantom went, it was in trouble).

I've also decided that Fat Han's can also be a problem, so I've been running with either a FCS HLC or a mini swarm to help take care of them. Decimators are not as big of a threat, but fall quickly to the same things that take care of Fat Hans. And as displayed in my original post, Dash isn't even close to being a problem. I've now played against several Dash builds from different players and confirmed the theorycraft that I put forward, heck just last night, Tycho basically solo'd an entire Dash list (I killed a prototype early game, lost my support ships before they got any shots off the same turn that Tycho Procket 1 shotted the other prototype, leaving a bandit and Dash untouched for Tycho to take care of alone).

In games that Tycho is not targeted first, I'm undefeated. In games that he is targeted first, I'm 3-1. He's difficult to kill and get in arc, so while you can damage him a bit to begin with, he can then arc dodge at least a few ships, basically delaying the death of Tycho or other ships. Meanwhile, I'm focus firing at you, taking out your ships out at a steady rate. And my priority is to take out the PS9+ ships first, and then primary weapon turret ships (ions, blasters, and HLC turrets are easy enough to dodge - they're not a problem), so when it gets to the end game, all that's left are the grunts, which pose no problem for Tycho.

I've started to run him with Prockets as well, and have thus far had some good success with them. Not only does it really help take care of those large health pool ships, but it also provides a bit of insurance if I find myself in R1 arc of a Bandit or something - instead of wasting all of my moves getting out of arc and losing a shot, I just TL+F and blow the Bandit up before it can shoot. Obviously this is a gamble, as I only have a 65% of one shotting the Bandit (excluding crits) assuming it has a focus token, but if it has 1 damage on it already, the probability goes up to 91%, and if it doesn't have a focus, the probabilities are 71/94% respectively.

With all of that said, I think Tycho would be a great wingman for Han. Tycho is the ultimate closer, and everyone knows they have to shoot at Han first, allowing him to always be around in the end game. Furthermore, at 38 points (w/ Procket) you only have to kill 74 points of the enemy for a full victory, so the time aspect isn't as big of a deal.

Sadly, I refuse to play a Fat Han, so I will not have any experience with this myself. If anyone does decide to play him with Han, please report out how it goes.

Edited by Khyros

Im the only one who beat your Tychu list? :P btw we are 1-1. Time for a rematch soon ;-)

Yeah, and they shouldnt. Perfect example, actually. My pt-buddy runs an evil flanker in vader, prockets, eu and something else. Predator maybe. It's a fun and fairly strong ship thats super thematic and feels nice to fly. But for that amount of points there are just better options out there if you wanna optimize your build for competitive play.

It turned up at Worlds.

Do not speak any more of this heresy. It is against The Belief.

I fly Vader+PTL+Prockets+EU on occasion. Never regretted it so far. ;) That one turn you go Boost/Focus/Lock and Procket them is glorious and swings games like crazy.

I figured I'd give an update to this thread. For the past 2 weeks or so, I've probably gotten ~20 games in with Tycho, and he's definitely starting to convince me that he can be competitive. The main concern I currently have is the time limit, though it is difficult to judge this as most of my games have been on Vassal, which always takes longer than irl.

I have concluded Tycho cannot handle phantoms, as such, every successful list I've run has had a PS10+ X/E with R3-A2 to deal with them. This is just my personal preference on how to deal with phantoms (well, actually, I prefer my Gencon archetype with a Blackmoon w/ R3A2, Dagger w/ HLC, and Roark - no matter where the phantom went, it was in trouble).

I've also decided that Fat Han's can also be a problem, so I've been running with either a FCS HLC or a mini swarm to help take care of them. Decimators are not as big of a threat, but fall quickly to the same things that take care of Fat Hans. And as displayed in my original post, Dash isn't even close to being a problem. I've now played against several Dash builds from different players and confirmed the theorycraft that I put forward, heck just last night, Tycho basically solo'd an entire Dash list (I killed a prototype early game, lost my support ships before they got any shots off the same turn that Tycho Procket 1 shotted the other prototype, leaving a bandit and Dash untouched for Tycho to take care of alone).

In games that Tycho is not targeted first, I'm undefeated. In games that he is targeted first, I'm 3-1. He's difficult to kill and get in arc, so while you can damage him a bit to begin with, he can then arc dodge at least a few ships, basically delaying the death of Tycho or other ships. Meanwhile, I'm focus firing at you, taking out your ships out at a steady rate. And my priority is to take out the PS9+ ships first, and then primary weapon turret ships (ions, blasters, and HLC turrets are easy enough to dodge - they're not a problem), so when it gets to the end game, all that's left are the grunts, which pose no problem for Tycho.

I've started to run him with Prockets as well, and have thus far had some good success with them. Not only does it really help take care of those large health pool ships, but it also provides a bit of insurance if I find myself in R1 arc of a Bandit or something - instead of wasting all of my moves getting out of arc and losing a shot, I just TL+F and blow the Bandit up before it can shoot. Obviously this is a gamble, as I only have a 65% of one shotting the Bandit (excluding crits) assuming it has a focus token, but if it has 1 damage on it already, the probability goes up to 91%, and if it doesn't have a focus, the probabilities are 71/94% respectively.

With all of that said, I think Tycho would be a great wingman for Han. Tycho is the ultimate closer, and everyone knows they have to shoot at Han first, allowing him to always be around in the end game. Furthermore, at 38 points (w/ Procket) you only have to kill 74 points of the enemy for a full victory, so the time aspect isn't as big of a deal.

Sadly, I refuse to play a Fat Han, so I will not have any experience with this myself. If anyone does decide to play him with Han, please report out how it goes.

Sounds wonderful. I'm taking this build to a small tournament in January.

Tycho Celchu

- PtL

- PR

- Test Pilot

- DD

- EI

Jake Farrell

- PtL

- PR

- Test Pilot

- VI

- SD

Green Sqdr

- PtL

- Pr

- SD

I've seen the lists, don't remember if there were any Fat Hans, but my toughest opponent seem to be VI-Whisper and the Rear Admiral. Beating Whisper with the PRockets seems like my best option.

While Jake is my main man, Tycho shows up every now and again. How about this list:

The Two Dice Kings:

Jake Farrel w/ Outmaneuver & VI

Tycho w/ Prockets, PTL, & Daredevil

Jan Ors w/ Lone Wolf, Ion Turret, Lando, and Moldy Crow

Jake's PS9 to take out those pesky VI Phantoms (see how they like rolling 1 defense die). Jan has a little survivability with Lando & the Crow. Tycho with a big hit for some unlucky Imperial Slug.

I think I'm missing something here. Isn't Daredevil a red maneuver so tyco can't use it when stressed?

No, there was an errata due to interactions that would make it green/didn't assign stress. It is now a whitw maneuver and you getstress

Khyros, any chance you could relink the pics? I'd love to see them, and they show up as moved/deleted. (new player with a Tycho addiction...)

I second the above request.

Khyros, any chance you could relink the pics? I'd love to see them, and they show up as moved/deleted. (new player with a Tycho addiction...)

Sorry, they got deleted when I had to do a cleanup of my photobucket. I'll take a look if I have them on my hard drive somewhere to re-upload, but I'm not going to be recreating them.


Might be of help as well, for those curious. Though the boost/DD isn't available as an option, unfortunately, that's quite hard to program in.