Custom Worlds

By Fiddler27, in Only War House Rules

Hey all,

So not everyone likes to use premade worlds from the GW books or the 40K universe. I'm actually kind of interested to see what kind of regimental homeworlds have been created in gaming groups and can be made available for group use.

For example, see my group's below.


Planet: Ptolemos

Classification: War World (Civilized World in the rules)

Predominant theme: Italian Theater of WWII.

Governor: Marellious Pheil

History: Ptolemos was a standard civilized world on the borders of the sector, settled three centuries ago by veterans of the Augustin Crusade. The planet's green coasts hosted Scintillan veterans, arid interiors allowed the Tallarn and Rough Rider companies a home, and the small polar regions provided for Valhallan artillery regiments. The regiments formed settlements, which became cities, then states, and while the planetary governors ruled they were content to simply pass their tithes along and live in luxury in the capital. In short, the citizens lived in what could pass for a Constitutional Monarchy.

Thirty years ago, a political dispute over the application of irrigation on what was Tallarn land by the Scintillans and Valhallans created a deadlock in the planet's assembly. Over a few months, the dispute turned violent as riots broke out over territorial encroachment and the various factions threatened civil war. The Governor, Marellious Pheil, exercised his authority and adjudicated the dispute in a way that left none of the parties happy. Rebellious (and possibly chaos tainted) citizens and PDF forces did the unthinkable and launched coordinated attacks on each of the enemy factions. It is still disputed who shot first and when/where. Millions died before the true enemy revealed itself- a Chaos cult that had infiltrated all three factions.

Today, the battle lines are much clearer, with the forces of Chaos holding roughly 60% of the planet's surface area, and there is no end to the war in sight.