Are Event cards able to 'level the playing field'?

By Papa Midnight, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Titan your also correct on the staples, however I think when we talk about staples we are also often putting faction staples in the mix. You are totally right that these are more limited from the getgo but I do feel the full cycle of 1 drops that has Command an Ability and a functional body to combat with can be considerd staples aswell.

The only real exception of the 1 drops seems to be the Dark Eldar Murder of Razorwings.

But when we are talking about 1 drop staples (currently) I think we also mean:

- Ratling Deadeye

- 10th Compagny Scout

- Vior'La Marksman (altough for Tau it's often overwhelmed by Recon Drone)

- Biel-Tan Guardians

- Murder of Razorwings

- Splintered Path Acolyte

- Shoota Mob

I hope each faction will get access to "Ranged X".

Lost 5 units with one shot against a ranged 4 unit in one attack! (ranged 2 unit + ranged 2 attachment and oponent had initiative)

How does this work, doesn't ranged only happen the first round of combat, was it ranged AOE. Is that doable right now?

Answered this already, upthread, but to be more comprehensive:

You can AoE with Ranged by giving AoE to a Ranged unit, or Ranged to an AoE unit.

At present, the only way to grant AoE is with Gun Drones, and its eligible targets would be Vior'la Marksman, Stingwing Swarm and Altansar Rangers.

At present, there are two ways to grant Ranged: Rokkit Launcha and Preemptive Barrage.

Neither has any eligible AoE targets at present.

Previewed cards have, I believe, promised more options of this sort in future. IIRC, there's a Dark Eldar combo en route that will give AoE Ranged.


Found it. Bladed Lotus Rifle on Kabalite Strike Force .

Edited by Prepare for War

Actually, Preemptive Barrage can target a Mordian Hellhound. But this is the only example I can think of.

Good catch, missed that one.

Actually, Preemptive Barrage can target a Mordian Hellhound. But this is the only example I can think of.

Yep was on my phone but it also was an *ah* moment for me. It's probably why it was designed with AoE 1 and not 2 in the first place as AoE + Ranged is a very powerfull ability.