Tourney Magistrate 2.0

By davedave, in Living Card Games

I vaguely remember Worlds "State of the Union" presentation and I think I recall a new tournament software being at least hinted at.

I am currently (for an embarrassing long 7 months) working on such a software (just whenever I am really bored, that's why it takes so long).

This announcement has somewhat taken away my motivation to continue my work. But I do have some questions regarding that new software and don't really know where to ask to get official answers.

The official forums seemed the best place to try. Please redirect me if it isn't.

1.: Is such a software actually in development, as of now? When is the intended release date?

2.: Have you considered open soucing it during development or at least after its release?

This would help a great deal in adding features and also, what my initial aim was for my tournament software, allow integration in different 3rd party software. This would in my case be the software I use for commentating AGoT games eventually enabling me to do live tournament coverage.

3.: If you decide to open source it: What programming language is it going to be in?

This would be important for me to know, because if it is something that only runs on Windows this would not meet my requirements.

4.: If you decide to NOT open source it: I would love to hear an explanation why?

You will want to email FFG. You are not likely to get a reply here.