Using Vehicle Main Gun and Sponsons

By Snerded, in Deathwatch Rules Questions


My group is just starting to use vehicles for the first time. I've tired to figure out from RAW in RoB who operates what weapons for predators (etc.) but I am a little confused. So I'd like to know: a predator has a crew of the driver and gunner. If there are enemies all around the tank, what weapons can the crew use while moving?

My assumption is that the driver may make a half action to move and fire a weapon while the gunner may also fire one weapon, which means a sponson goes unused that turn because players only have one attack action per round. Right? Wrong?

Also, am I right in understanding that predators don't have a machine spirit to operate the remaining unfired sponson?

Thank you for your help.

Well that was fun. Loosing your entire post is never entertaining.

Caveat: Dark Heresy vehicle rules are still lacking in many areas, they are not that well developed.

Here's the gist: You are correct. If only 2 characters are in the tank you can only fire 2 weapons. If the driver used a half action to drive he cannot fire a weapon that requires a Full action to shoot (heavy bolter), driving a 40+ ton vehicle is not a trivial thing.

Certain weapons on space marine vehicles are remotely-served (think remote control). They can be operated by any crewman inside the vehicle. There's a reason those sponsons have cameras and motive armatures. The main turret mounted gun can only be used from the gunner's station though. Other weapons limit who may use them by their description: Pilot/driver operated etc.

In less advanced or different tanks (Leman Russ) a character has to actually be at the weapon station itself to fire the gun. The main gun operator couldn't fire a sponson for instance, unless he physically moved to it.

Each weapon requires a separate character to fire them, unless specific rules state otherwise (see thunderhawk). No, a predator does not have such an option.

Ahhh that makes sense! Thank you.

If the sponson was, say, a lascannon the driver could use it that weapon can be fired with a half action, right?

Yes, but remember to apply the penalty to hit according to the vehicle's speed from previous turns.