Looking fro contributors and contributions - The Journal of Solomon Haarlock

By Chrysalis2, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Imagine Scintilla before hive Sibellus.

Imagine a sector untouched by the heavy hand of the Imperium.

During the 36th Millennium Solomon Haarlock in a grand voyage enters the Calyx expanse seeking to tame this land of terrible secrets.

For my players I will be writing excerpts from his diary the Grey Psalter. Would anyone else be interested in helping?


I will gladly help, though I'm not sure of how much use I will be. I can give ideas of adventures, though my skills as an author are questionable. First idea that's popped into my head is the Slaught. The Haarlocks appear to be one of the only powers they are afraid of, so the battles against them could be interesting

I enjoy and think I'm fairly good at writing. I can also provide ideas, though I don't know much of the legacies lore. Just PM me if you need me.

O____O Y'know, I was just thinking the same thing for my Haarlock-Legacy Campaign.

That is, writing the Journal or at least excerpts.

Edited by darkforce

Writing a full journal of 13 years of the Calixis sector would be a life's work. So maybe just go with excerpts?

I have an idea of which direction I want to take this, I'll send all of you a private group message.with the details and characters I have thought of so far.


Edited by Chrysalis

Can I get in on this?