
By GTrogi, in Hollow Bastion

I know theres a post similar to this in the main area, but that place is just weird :P

Anyway I was wondering if anyone has a list of whats in the 3 starter sets (original, and then later the expansion ones) or a link to a list somewhere else

Thanks :)

The three current starters are as follows.

Donald Duck Level 1 - Rare: Firaga, Sora level 1

Goofy level 1 - Rare: Wight Knight, Sora Level 3

Ariel level 1 - Rare: Wonderland level 2, Sora Level 2

All other cards are the same. As for the new ones, I don't think they've posted what's going to be in those yet, All we've seen is Timeless River Mickey.

Thanks, do you (or anyone else) have the list of the cards that are the same?

I do not unfortunately...but its basic cards like Traverse Town levels 1, 2, and 3...Bambi level 2, Aladdin level 1, so on and so forth.

This may be a bit too inaccurate but I'd remember they were a bit like this:



XxDonald(lv.1 and 2)

XxGoofy(lv.1 and 2)

XxAladdin(lv.1 and 2)


Genie lv.2(?)

Bambi lv.2(?)







3xPumpkin head

Rumbling rose



Bounchy wild


Red nocturne

Blue rhapsody

Yellow opera

Large body

Barrel spider

Sea neon




3xTraverse town lv.1

3xTraverse town lv.2

3xTraverse town lv.3

Depending on the deck youll get one of these trios:

-Sora lv.1, Ariel lv.1(foil), Wight knight

-Sora lv.2, Goofy lv.3(foil), Wonderland

-Sora lv.3 Donald lv.3(foil) Firaga

(bottom 2 may have soras mixed up)

Hope this helped...