Sons of the Emperor - Adeptus Astartes Conversion for Only War

By SgtLazarus, in Only War House Rules

Strike Knight

Characteristics Bonus - +5 Agility

Starting Aptitudes - Agility, Finesse, Weapon Skill, Offence, Toughness, Strength, Fellowship

Starting Skills - Tech-Use, Parry OR Athletics

Starting Talents - Swift Attack, Sure Strike OR Takedown

Specialist Equipment - Personal Teleporter

Starting Wounds - 16 + 1d5

Advances - First To Fight (500xp), Rapid Assault (500xp)

Advances as named abilities in Daemon Hunter.

Purgation Knight

Characteristics Bonus - +5 Perception

Starting Aptitudes - Perception, Fieldcraft, Toughness, Defence, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Willpower

Starting Skills - Athletics, Awareness OR Psyniscience, Intimidate

Starting Talents - Weapon Training (Heavy), Rapid Reload OR Heightened Senses (Choose One)

Specialist Equipment - Psycannon OR Psilencer.

Starting Wounds - 18 + 1d5

Advances - Nowhere To Hide (500xp), Psybolt Attunement (500xp)

Advances as named abilities in Daemon Hunter.


Characteristics Bonus - +5 Willpower

Starting Aptitudes - Willpower, Fellowship, Knowledge, Defence, Intelligence, Leadership, Social

Starting Skills - Psyniscience, Command, Interrogation OR Medicae

Starting Talents - Warp Sense, Jaded OR 300xp worth of Psychic Powers (Once only)

Specialist Equipment - Incinerator OR Nemesis Warding Stave

Starting Wounds - 14 + 1d5

Advances - Pure Soul (1000xp), Too Many Secrets (500xp)

Advances as per Daemon Hunter abilities.

Edited by SgtLazarus

I feel these astartes weapon conversions could prove helpful here. Especially the grav gun. -(Changed to only the Grav Gun)- These were converted for DH2, but OW is similar enough they should largely work there too. Although the req costs probably will need to be converted back.

-(Removed all but the converted Grav Gun)-

Astartes Grav Gun (Basic; 30m; S/3/-; 1d10+10 E; Pen 8; Clip 9; Rld 2 Full; Concussive (2), Graviton; 16kg; 35 Req)

Also I am partially wondering why there is not a 'standard' regimental kit included in these rules. Space Marine gear varies significantly from normal gear, and there should be something to reflect that! Unless the intent is to use DW for that, in that case I understand.

Edited by LordTeague

I personally prefer to mimic Tabletop's approach to weapons, but, as far as gear goes, I don't want to regurgitate official statistics on the forums.

Removed all but the converted grav gun statistics. (Because I can see many players wishing to use that.)

As for the gear... I'm just wondering what gear would come as standard for most marine regiments. Presumably a suit of power armor is on there, but I'm wondering what else.

As for the gear... I'm just wondering what gear would come as standard for most marine regiments. Presumably a suit of power armor is on there, but I'm wondering what else.


  • Power armour /w Helmet
  • Bolt pistol /w 2 reloads
  • Combat knife
  • Frag grenades (x2)
  • Krak grenades (x2)
Of note is that the armour itself would contain a number of additional "items" such as a medical suite, voxlink, respirator, magnetic boots, autosenses and recycler. This should better be covered in the item section of such a supplement, though I don't think all of it needs explicit rules (a lot just needs to be mentioned for narrative effects).

I encourage people to research the chapter they're trying to emulate, and the team's role within that chapter. You can do anything reasonably within the system. Just use the basic Only War stuff to select Space Marine appropriate replacements for similar points cost.

I'm also giving this a whirl in a new Deathwatch game I've started. Here goes nothing.