Has anyone reached apotheosis? If so, at what XP?

By memespawn, in Black Crusade

Just wondering - has anyone, through play, hit the 100 infamy nessecary for apotheosis? If so, approximately how much XP did you gain while doing so?

Well, the Khornate in our current group reached 100 Corruption last session (at 130 Inf), and I think we're at 9 200 xp. The other group I played in reached Apotheosis at around 9 500 to 10 000 xp if I remember correctly, but that game was pretty tightly controlled since it only lasted a summer.

I asked the same question as well a while ago. From the responses it seems the rough average rate people gain experience and infamy looks to be 1 INF per 100XP which means most reach that glorious point of ascension at 9000 - 12000 XP although some can keep going for longer up to 15000 if they are lucky.

Many thanks!