French edition discontinued forever?

By neverminder, in Cosmic Encounter

Does anyone know if there is any plan for a new French edition?

If I understand correctly, Edge used to publish the French edition but it has been out of print for a while and they do not have plans to print more copies. It is pretty hard to find right now in French and since there is a lot of text I wouldn't be able to play it in English with my friends unfortunately...


Edited by neverminder

Yes, please make a french reprint happen. The store I go to in France gets asked daily if they've got a copy in stock. Of course they haven't had one for more than 2 years.

I have the french core plus I beleive 2 extentions. Having the rest of the expansions in french would be nice

Apparently, Rencontre Cosmique 1 has been removed from Edge Entertainment 2 's catalog. No more access to this product dedicated forum on Edge's site is possible… Is french version really dead? :(

1 French for Cosmic Encounter

2 French editor of CE

I am with you on this one.

I can't find this game in French, what happened?