Tyranid Hive Fleet

By Marwynn, in Rogue Trader House Rules

The other xenos threat in the Jericho Reach that I wanted to conceptualize. I took a few liberties with this one, adding Massive Claws to every ship no matter what, for instance.

Like the Tau I don't expect the group to actually encounter the Tyranid any time soon. But I like having these elements in mind beforehand.

Feedback is appreciated!

v0.2 Tyranid Hive Fleet: Click Here

v0.3 Tyranid Hive Fleet : Click Here (Nov. 4, 2014)

Edited by Marwynn

Well, updated the layout for this, but it's lacking in ships. Not a lot of materials out there. If you have any, please share them!

v0.3 Tyranid Hive Fleet : Click Here (Nov. 4, 2014)

Edited by Marwynn

Any chance of getting some of the variants here ? Or is the list meant to develop those variants via options?

I would add those, but the images are very low quality. They look ugly no matter what I try to do with my limited graphic manipulation skills.