Vehicle Call Signs

By Fiddler27, in Only War

Hey all!

Having just seen the movie Fury as a group, my gaming buddies have opted to start a Tank Battalion in an OW game I'm running and have already settled on a Call Sign for their vehicle. I was wondering if anybody had any good resources for coming up with call-signs as well, like name generators or something?

If not, feel free to just post random cool sounding names for tanks? I'd prefer one or two word titles like "War Wolf" or "Lioness" as fancy sounding ones like "Hammer of Damnation" would probably be reserved for Titans and Baneblades.

Thanks in advance to anyone who posts!

Well Hammer Slammers tanks had names, might be something to look at if you going to play with armor units

and a few from me

Butcher’s Bill


Iron Cyclops

Doom Buggy

Kolt's Peacemaker



Poop Thrower



Peak's Smasher

Stanley's Steelskin

Lord Russ

Emperor's Fist


Angry Tom

Indomitable Fury

Roaring Lion

Lion Rampant


Bull Grox

Van Dire's Vengeance

Pax Macharius

Krieg Cheval

Alpha Predator

Tank Eater

Kasr King, Tyrok Fields (Cadians)

Strenght of Mordia, Iron Discipline (Iron Guard)

Steel Scorpion, Sandstorm (Tallarns)

Cold Fury, Blizzard of Death ( Valhallans)

Tree Ripper, O'l Devil (Catachans)

LR-Unit-1105/6 (Death corps of Krieg)

Imperator Gloriana, Red Line (Praetorian XXIV)

Quantus Tremor

Judex Venturus

Nil Inultum

Judex Ultionus

Flammis Adictis

The following are names my guys came up with for the tanks in their armored company for a game a while ago.

Disclaimer, some are silly, but I let it fly, because soldiers will be soldiers, even in the 41st Millenium

1st Platoon:

Krig (LR Battle Tank)

The Diddler (Exterminator)

Ugly Betty (LR Battle Tank)

Brick Shithouse (Demolisher)

Hawkeye (Vanquisher)

2nd Platoon:

The King (Vanquisher)

Red Rage (LR Battle Tank)

Screaming Mimi (LR Battle Tank)

Sunburn (Executioner)

Flyswatter (Hydra)

3rd Platoon:

Loathsome (Punisher)

Punch Out (LR Battle Tank)

Penultimate (LR Battle Tank)

Dead Horse (Exterminator)

Hippo (Demolisher)

I hope some of these help, even if they are a bit...... non-canonical.

I like "flyswatter" for the Hydra! It really feels lihe a nickname some guard grunts would give to it, even tough the Lt. and Commisar refer to it by it's proper name "Emperor's benediction" and the Enginseer calls it "HUnit0045208812/HM336M41".

Oh one more thing: If you have a space wolves/dark angels/ 40k setting and canon fan in your group and you want to troll them for a bit, introduce a Leman Russ named "Lion of Caliban". :)

Edited by Robin Graves

Oh one more thing: If you have a space wolves/dark angels/ 40k setting and canon fan in your group and you want to troll them for a bit, introduce a Leman Russ named "Lion of Caliban". :)

Now you're just trying to get people killed.

At work atm but if I remember correctly, tanks have names/calls signs based on their platoon/troop etc.

For example A troop will all tanks have names starting with an A. (Alfred, Addict, Anton)

B troop will have all names starting with B (Blue, Bonnet, Beverly) etc.

Keep in mind that the names need to be short as well so they can actually be used in combat as in "Addict, hostile foot at 4 o' clock low."

And the names have to pass officer's inspection so blue balls etc. is out....

And the names have to pass officer's inspection so blue balls etc. is out....

Dammit! :D

Well, I'm sure the names would depend a lot on the regiment's unique culture ... and considering that the Guard also has units raised entirely from a background such as Necromunda hive gangs (including the officers!), I wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty offensive names there.

Of course, the Commissar might still intervene if s/he is gutsy enough, but even then a nickname might be hard to eradicate once it's gotten its foot into the troops' minds. Something like ... a Chimaera that has two blue spheres painted on its side. No name anywhere, but everyone knows what that vehicle is called like, though everyone also knows they're not supposed to utter that name when nearby the Commissar. :D

Edited by Lynata

When I used to work at Juvenile Hall, there was a dude who worked there whose face was jacked and looked like the ghost-mask from Scream. He was kind of a D-bag too, so it wasn't too much of a personal problem to refer to him off handedly as "scream."

Anyways, when he would come around we obviously wouldn't call him that, but would make obscure references to the movie series from time to time - ask him if he would date Neve Campbell, or how David Arquette was doing, or randomly ask if he ever suspect ***** Ulrich's motives.

Life was simpler back then. Anyways, same thing.

Edit: This thing legit just edited an actor's first name. We may be going a little censoring overboard here, FFG.

Edited by pearldrum1

LoL This is like that family guy episode in wich they censor the **** Van Dike show.

Edit: yep FF doesn't like actors named "Richard" :D

Edited by Robin Graves

Well, I'm sure the names would depend a lot on the regiment's unique culture ... and considering that the Guard also has units raised entirely from a background such as Necromunda hive gangs (including the officers!), I wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty offensive names there.

Of course, the Commissar might still intervene if s/he is gutsy enough, but even then a nickname might be hard to eradicate once it's gotten its foot into the troops' minds. Something like ... a Chimaera that has two blue spheres painted on its side. No name anywhere, but everyone knows what that vehicle is called like, though everyone also knows they're not supposed to utter that name when nearby the Commissar. :D

And even frowned upon names might give rise to a nickname themselves. In the example, maybe when the Commissar's around, it's called the " BB " - everyone knows what it's short for, though if a newbie gets introduced when the Commissar's around, the newbie's not going to get told what BB is short for until later, but will probably figure it out on their own after they see the BB .

Well, I'm sure the names would depend a lot on the regiment's unique culture ... and considering that the Guard also has units raised entirely from a background such as Necromunda hive gangs (including the officers!), I wouldn't be surprised to see some pretty offensive names there.

Of course, the Commissar might still intervene if s/he is gutsy enough, but even then a nickname might be hard to eradicate once it's gotten its foot into the troops' minds. Something like ... a Chimaera that has two blue spheres painted on its side. No name anywhere, but everyone knows what that vehicle is called like, though everyone also knows they're not supposed to utter that name when nearby the Commissar. :D

Typically they'ed be something you can say reasonably quickly.

Point of fact, Necromunda has an entire armored regiment raised from there, though it's name escapes me atm, it used to have it's vehicle pennants in the old russ kits.

Point of fact, Necromunda has an entire armored regiment raised from there, though it's name escapes me atm, it used to have it's vehicle pennants in the old russ kits.

I only know the "8th Necromundan Spiders", supposedly all raised from one of the gangs there - though I don't remember what they specialised in. But maybe that was it? :)

I think they might be Van Saar, wich would make sence since they were the ones with advanced weapons and survival suits (and Beards!), and by far the most normal of that bunch of misfits.

Ressurecting this thread just for this:
My players LR call-sign: Emperor's Bagel

The other tanks in the company/regiment (from Gunheads novel by Steve Parker):

Old Smashbones
Last Rites II

New Champion of Cerbera

Frontline Crusader


Steel Hearted

Angel of Death (a Shadowsword)


Edited by Sebastian Yorke

My players LR call-sign: Emperor's Bagel

Please report to the confession wall. :P

My players LR call-sign: Emperor's Bagel

Please report to the confession wall. :P

They had a huge argument with the Company's Commissar - awaiting interrogation by the Regimental Comissariat. Their company is currently stranded, only accompanied by mauled infantry regiment.

The troops their regiment is accompanying love it though. They say that "if they knew that all that was required to slaughter orks was a blessed bagel, they'd have won the war by now".

Edited by Sebastian Yorke

Well, since my group is the 1st Squad in the 1st Platoon in the 1st Company in their Penal Recce Regiment, their tank is named "One Armed Bandit". I found it fitting.