Heal/Harm - Harm Mastery and mixed parties

By pnewman15, in Game Mechanics

Heal/Harm: Mastery (Harm) "Once per session when this power kills a target, may restore on engaged character who died this encounter to life. Both characters gain 10 conflict."

What happens when you use this to raise someone who does not even have a Morality score (a EotE or AoR character)? Do they suddenly have a Morality score because the Force has changed them? If not, what is the effect of that 10 conflict on them?

We know that places can be tainted by the dark side (that cave on Dagobah). Therefore it seems as if people without a force rating should also be capable of being tainted by the dark side but is this a way it happens?

Is this a 'mind-altering Force power' to which droids are therefore unaffected by? You're curing the body, but you're also restoring the mind to the body, and that may count as 'mind-altering'. If not, than does it seem right to be able to restore droids to life?

The 'Heal' verson clearly specifies that it works on "one target of the [Heal] power"; and the Heal power clearly specifies that it works on living targets. However the Harm version says "may restore to life one engaged character", and does not therefore automatically exlude droids. Should it?

Edited by pnewman15

I wouldn't give them a Morality score just for being revived. Just sort of say whatever happened happened, and move on. I would say to maybe mark the 10 conflict minus a d10 in case the player decides to become force sensitive, but the basic idea of morality is that all characters who started being more in touch with the force can start at 50 during creation regardless of past events (or more or less if that's their thing).

Droids aren't ever actually alive. There's no force essence in them to be sucked out, nothing organic for force essence to restore through healing, and when they die, there's no force essence that represents their soul to be returned to their metal bodies. Everything that's them is in their in chips and powered by electricity. Unless you allow good ol' Skippy to be canon. Then you are free to do whatever you like in regards to the force and droids.

Edited by Lathrop

I'd let the player decide, but definitely strongly consider giving them a Morality score after this. Or, if the player isn't really interested in having a Morality score (should ultimately be the player's choice either way), have him/her consider what short- or long-term effects being touched by the dark side this way might have on the PC.

And yeah...the key word there is "life." Droids aren't living beings, and therefore there is no life to restore :)

I'd let the player decide, but definitely strongly consider giving them a Morality score after this. Or, if the player isn't really interested in having a Morality score (should ultimately be the player's choice either way), have him/her consider what short- or long-term effects being touched by the dark side this way might have on the PC.

And yeah...the key word there is "life." Droids aren't living beings, and therefore there is no life to restore :)

I almost completely agree, except I'd strongly lean towards not giving them a Morality.

The Morality system is for characters like force users who's power is directly tied to how good/evil they are.

If they didn't have one before, being raised from the dead, even in a vile way, doesn't make you force sensitive, and doesn't make your morality suddenly more important than it was before in any other way. They're the same person they were before, but with a "stain on their soul." Just roleplay it the way you would with an edge or age character who committed a horrible murder, except in this case, the player may even have been a completely unwilling recipient of this evil act.

Yeah, I'd probably skip the Conflict part if the person being raised doesn't have a Morality score to begin with.