2009 Aussie Demonstrations - 2009 Complete

By Raith, in Anima: Tactics

Hi all I'm starting this thread to announce when I am holidng various demonstrations and events for AT. If any other in Australia are doing such things feel free to post times and such in this thread as well..

Saturday 13th June 2009


This Saturday Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting Anima: Tactics demonstrations for all those who wish to learn about the game, play some friendly matches and meet others who play.

In addition the day may be used by participants of the Sphere of Exekiel campaign to further their quest for glory.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.
12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday 13th June

For specific information post questions here or email: [email protected]

- Raith
Free Agent 005

Demonstration Event #10

After Action Report


Wow, What a massive day, yesterday was my largest Demonstration Day in a long time.

The day started off with the usual arrival and setup but unlike past weekends where I could go and grab some lunch it was straight into things with a Demonstration for a passerby.

While the demonstration passed by as usual the match was concluded in very short order with the most surprising result as Kronnen charged into the action dealing 10 points of damage to Cheshire in round 2 before Summun struck back with a pitiful 1 point of damage.

This attack exhausted all of Cheshire AP and to my surprise Evangaline charged on it to deal a total of 7 points more deal a surprising end to the match as Bael had no hope of surviving the oncoming charge by Kronnen.


How I wish I had thought to take some photo's. With the first demonstration I hurried off to grab some food and by the time I was back the day had begun in full.


For what was supposed to be a Demo day, It ended up being practice matches and Campaign battles. At the height of the day their where around ten people watching the action with multiple games being played side by side and another demonstration tucked in amid the uproar.



All in all it was a great day and i'm glad to see people returning from my previous demonstrations and other events.

- Raith
Free Agent 005

11th July 2009


Its that other time of the month again when I announce my upcoming Demonstration Day hosted by my FLGS Mind Games.

Come along and learn how to play, participate in some friendly matches, chat about the miniatures or participate in Campaign rounds with others.

Learning the game takes a short 20 minutes or you can watch as others go head to head.

Mind Games
244 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Midday until 5:30pm

For specific information post in this thread or email [email protected]

- Raith

Demonstration Event #11
After Action Report


After the hectic style of the last few Demo Days and the Campaign weekends a nice quiet day was a great change of pace.

Following a slow setup with people looking over my figures as i pulled them from their case was a quick battle with one of the regulars.

Battle Report: Daniella, Claire and Lilian versus Goethia, Celia and Feng Yi

So this battle was an experiment. For my opponent, it was a trial of adding Lilian in place of Khaine and for me, I decided to forgo my usual choice of team Pirate-Ninja and select some mini's i thought where kinda cool but probably wouldn't work.

I was wrong.

The match started with a single piece of ruins deployed just inside Daniella's Advanced Deployment Zone. With the archer on Sniping i countered with Goethia deploying in advance as well. The rest of our forces hung back.

After forgetting that Goethia was capable of flying and couldn't dodge I thought I had managed to ruin the fight right from the outset, especially after the massive damage delivered by Daniella. Claire and Lilian moved forward while Celia activated Haste and moved behind Goethia while Feng Yi swept around using some trees to block line of sight.

The next turn Goethia blasted all of the opposing side before being engaged by Claire. Celia moved up to kill the spear wielder and Lilian leapt onto Celia who easily dodged her strikes.

Feng Yi charged in and killed Claire while Daniella blasted away and was shot in return leaving Lilian in combat with Celia just long enough to decide the battle was over.


Following the rather short battle the day proceeded quietly. I spent a lot just chatting with passerby and running a couple of Demo's.

The final match for the day saw Kronnen and Evangaline breaking the winning streak of the Dark Side when I pulled off a successful Scarlet Heartbeat and Evangaline charged in on a defenseless Bael.


- Raith
Free Agent 005

Saturday 8th August 2009


After a brief holiday its time to get back to the demonstrations and Campaigning. This Saturday, Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting Anima: Tactics demonstrations for all those who wish to learn about the game, play some friendly matches and meet others who play.

In addition the day may be used by participants of the Sphere of Exekiel campaign to further their quest for glory.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.
12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday 8th August

For specific information post questions here or email: [email protected]

Apologies for the short notice.

- Raith
Free Agent 005

Demonstration Event #12
After Action Report


Well this report is a little late and is going to be rather brief as I ended up being somewhat busy and only took a single image.

After 2 and a half weeks of working-holiday and time away from A:T I got back into things with my regular Saturday Demo Event.

This time I managed to attract a number of players, some who I regularly play RPG's with and others who wandered into the shop and I managed to con into trying A:T out.

I think I ran around 4 or so demonstrations and supervised a couple of matches but its a bit of a haze, oh well, i'll take more pictures next time, I promise.

Here's a shot of a 200pt match that occured at the end of the day.


- Raith
Free Agent 005

DEMONSTRATION EVENT #13 (or 12b if you're superstitious)

Saturday 11th September 2009


This Saturday Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting Anima: Tactics demonstrations for all those who wish to learn about the game. Feel free and come along to play matches or ask questions or to simply see what others are doing.

In addition the day may be used by participants of the Sphere of Ezekiel campaign to further their quest for glory.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday 11th September

For specific information post questions here or email: [email protected]

- Raith
Free Agent 005

(or 12b if you're superstitious)

After Action Report... or lack there of.

So, this will be a very short report on the weekends events. Simply put it was a bad day for gaming.

I put it all down to the very dry and dusty gale force wind that lashed most of Melbourne for the entire day. Things where very quiet, the store I demo in saw little in the way of visitor even though its on the busiest street of the city.

So as usual I rocked up at noon, got set up and sat down to wait, and I did a lot of that. The few people who made it to the store were mostly regulars or people just taking a break and without the necessary time to sit and learn the game.

All up I spoke to maybe two people i didn't recognize I played a single 150 point game Dark v Empire with a regular. it wasn't until around three when a friend arrived and without an opponent to play a Campaign match against we settled in for trying to fight a 300 level match of Azur v Samael. Unfortunately we dragged out our selection process for troops that we only had the chance to play three turns before it was time to pack up and the day ended as quietly as it began.


- Raith

Saturday 10th October 2009


Yet again this saturday, Mind Games (City Store) will be hosting Anima: Tactics demonstrations for all those who wish to learn about the game. Feel free and come along to play matches or ask questions or to simply see what others are doing.

In addition the day may be used by participants of the Sphere of Ezekiel campaign to further their quest for glory.

Mind Games, Melbourne,. 244 Swanston Street in the heart of the CBD, Victoria, Australia.

12:00noon till 5:30pm, Saturday 10th October

For specific information post questions here or email: [email protected]

- Raith


So, this report is very late, for too reasons, firstly, my Camera died on the day of the event and I borrowed anothers who I was hoping would send through the pictures and second, now that my camera is working again I can’t find the USB cable to connec it ><

Anyways, Demo Day 14 was a great day and here is a brief report, hopefully pics will turn up soon.

After Action Report.

This weekend was huge, first of all I rocked up on time (yay a miracle!) and then so did everyone else. And I mean ALL my Campaign players so very quickly things got started with two matches being played on the table at a time with people awaiting thier turn. The report on all that will be included in my other thread.

As for demonstrations, I didn't run a single one, but that didn't stop me. Plenty of passer-by came up to see what was happening with the games, they stood by and watched the action and I spent an amazing amount of time simply talking about game mechanics and how it worked with figure selection, painting, army building and everything else so i was hoarse by the end of the day.

Even without any active demonstrations I had received a couple of emails by the time I made it home asking for more info on the next event. All up I think the riotous noise of people playing actual games is much better than me showing people what Anima is about.

- Raith

Here are some pics from the Demo Day

Campaign Matches





The following photo's are from a 300 point Capture the Nodes match I played on Sunday the 25th, a day suppose to be for Campaigning but ended up just as an extra Demonstration event. Empire v a nominally Light team by virtue of Kujaku-Hime in an all Neutral side.


You might not be able to make this out but those 4 dice all read "10" it was a Gnosis Attack and Dodge set (that's a 1 in 10000 chance) The final result ended up being only 1 point of damage.


Unfortunately the sun began to set and we ran out of time before being able to finish the game.


- Raith

Demo's 15+, Arcanacon 28, And beyond!

Special Demonstration Events

November is Anima month.

With the coming summer holidays and the end of the year fast approaching I am going all out to hold as many demonstration days as I can. This means that for the entirety of November I will be running Demonstration Days every SATURDAY as well as the Conclusion to the Sphere of Ezekiel campaign later in the month.

These days will be the last chance for regular Demonstrations held by me this year, but fear not for in the coming year I will be back to my regular schedule starting in late January when Anima: Tactics will be displayed at ARCANACON XXVIII over the Australia Day weekend and then in March we should be at Little Wars once more.

Sometime early in the year I should be organizing for a tournament and a painting competition (Which will be paint a particular figure) around April. I will also begin another Campaign similar to this years but with a few new rule updates.

As is usual for my Demonstrations they will be hosted at MIND GAMES everyone is welcome to come along, be you interested in playing games, learning, observing or just chatting about the hobby. The Demo days can also be used for Campaigning.

Demo Location:
Mind Games Melbourne (City Store)
244 Swanston Street, Melbourne CBD

Mind Games Website

12:30 until 5:30pm

- Raith


The first Saturday of my November Demo Month was pretty quiet, either the weather or the various Christmas parades and display windows seemed to keep most people out of the stores and on the streets.

While I did not run a single Demonstration for the day I did speak to a few people who came in and had a look at my horde and the game I played against Isaac (One of my Campaigners) drew some attention.

It wasn’t until I was packing up for the day that I had a completely interested party but it was too late to show him much so I ran through the rules quickly and talked about the miniatures themselves. Hopefully he will be back next time for a proper look.

Battle Report

Empire v Wanderers

During the middle of the day I played a 200point game against a friend, we decided to try out some new teams, I choose Empire as I wanted to have some more fun with Armoured Characters while Isaac chose some Wanderers, the full line-up was Janos, Daniella, Claire and Lilian versus Kujaku-Hime, Takanosuke, Sophia and Faust.


With the usual manoeuvring in the first two turns the battle joined around some ruins, my initial plan was to form a defensive line so that I could multi-charge my opponents or draw them to me, unfortunately I forgot this plan pretty quickly and suffered for it.


Horrible rolls to dodge, charge and just do anything plus a scattered attack caused my team to fall apart pretty quickly especially with Sophia aiding Faust to use his uber death strike attack thing.


Most of my team sat on one or two LP for a few turns plinking away at my opponents but their was little they could do with even Daniella having to engage in some hand to hand activity at the end.

The battle ended as a slaughter, I managed to take out Kujaku mostly with the aide of her poisoning herself a lot but that was it aside from some general damage inflicted to the rest of the Wanderers. On my side it was a complete rout. And here is my opponent having a good gloat. gran_risa.gif


- Raith


The second of my November Demonstration/Campaign Days was HUGE, all the campaign players were in attendance and a surprising number of people turned up to have a game despite the ridiculous heat, especially in a cramped, poorly ventilated 2nd Floor gaming area.


Over the course of the day I demonstrated Anima for five different people, twice I ran demonstrations for a pair of people on a small table while two campaign matches battled away in the background. That was a fun time, trying to answer demo questions while supervising the larger battles and giving out rules clarifications.


(6 people in 3 games across 2 tables at once ^^ Take That Scotty-of-the-dead)

With so much activity I had little chance to follow any of the matches carefully and I didn’t even get time for a game myself.

- Raith

After Action Report


Another massive day of Anima Demoing and Campaign matches has passed, the last of the Demonstration Days for 2009 (For me that is). As usual the arguments and sounds of conflict from the Campaigners attracted a number of observers throughout the day and I did my best to answer whatever questions were asked but most were content to simply observe from the sidelines and watch the heated action.


- Raith

This is just a quick Confirmation and a thankyou notice. Now that November is done I am going on holidays soon as so won't be running any Anima Demo's in December.

Thanks to all those who came along and played in the various events run this year I hope some of you who played Demo's have moved on to full games.

See you all next year where I get to do it all again.

- Raith