Excel Dark Heresy Second Edition Character Sheet

By Asymptomatic, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

I know I'm going to sound stupid, but I don't see a way of selecting anything. Is this character sheet supposed to do something presently, or is it just a framework to help with generation later down the line?

Hello Vaeron, I apologize for the trouble. I was hoping the sheet would be self-explanatory/intuitive, but I may have fell short of that goal. The sheet is definitely usable as-is, at least up to a point. I chopped off some comments and tags, but some of the darker-grey cells (the cells near the top of each "section") are actually drop-down menus. Does that help?

Edited by Asymptomatic

STATUS - MARCH ~16TH: Marching forward, however slowly. I am taking this time to include the Inquisitor and Untouchable Talents I forgot, incorporating "multiple-instance" functionality for Talents like Sound Constitution, as well as adding a Talent Viewer and Talent effects. For the upcoming 0.R.5 version, expect:

  • COMPLETED: Untouchable and Inquisitor Talents
  • REDACTED: Added a "Spin Button" to Talents like Sound Constitution and Enemy that scale with number of purchases
  • COMPLETED: Talents are back to using drop-down menus due to technical issues, but track grants more effectively and should no longer screw up any sorting filters.
  • COMPLETED: Implemented multiple-instance functionality.
  • ~50% Completed: Talent Effects made viewable through a Viewer on the Character Sheet itself:
    • COMPLETED: Home World, Background, and Role Bonuses added to Talent List for compatibility with Viewer
    • Displays up to three Talents simultaneously (defaults to Home World, Background, and Role Bonuses)
    • Talents that scale off of Characteristics and Characteristic Bonuses will list include them in their effect (Deathdealer (Ranged) - The character increases the Ballistic Skill-based Critical Damage she deals by (her Perception Bonus; 3))

My immediate goals shifted from adding to the Skills Sheet's functionality to the above. After that, I would like to address some of the "indicators" for the chargen options such that they better point out improper inputs (such as Weapon Training (Flame) for an Imperial Guard). 0.R.6, at this time, includes the Skills Sheet update, as well as a Gear Sheet and Inventory.

Your feedback and comments do wonders for my motivation; please leave any thoughts or criticisms here.

ADDENDUM: The checkboxes of 0.R.4 were incompatible with the Talents Sheet's filters, so I went back to using drop-down menus. However, the grant functionality is still in place. Grants have been made more obvious and separate from purchases as well. I may or may not make any progress "today" (March 16th), but I hope to have 0.R.5 up by the end of the week.

Edited by Asymptomatic

Quick heads-up, 0.R.5.ReTalents is up. More detailed version notes to come.

  • UPDATED: All Talents have their effects listed
  • UPDATED: Talents Sheet tracks multiple-instance Talents and provides clearer feedback for granted Talents
  • UPDATED: Character Sheet's Talent List displays 30 Talents, up from 20
  • NEW: Added Inquisitor and Untoucable Talents
  • NEW: Talent Viewer on the Character Sheet displays the prerequisites and effects of obtained Talents

Included in 0.R.5 are the above changes, as well as:

  • Weapons Sheet describes Damage Types (I, E, R, X) with their full names instead of abbrieviations for clarity.
  • Added an Unarmed melee weapon entry that all characters are privy to.
  • My personal favorite, "wildcard" Talents like Hatred (X) or Exotic Weapon Training (Y) change their effects based on the Talent's name. In other words, the effect extracts "People Named Steve" from "Peer (People Named Steve)" through a combination of scaling LEFT() and RIGHT() functions.
Edited by Asymptomatic

...I thought something was off. It turns out that the jump from 0.R.3 to 0.R.4 increased the file size by 6400% . While there were improvements, the file should not have gotten that much bigger. The true file size is actually still under 200 KB rather than 9.8 MB. I apologize for any trouble this may have caused.

The culprit turns out to be 0.R.4 itself, somehow introducing over 1 million empty rows to the Skills Sheet. How (un?)fortunate that my current train of thought turned out to be updating the Skills Sheet despite what I mentioned earlier. I expect to push a 0.R.5.5 quick-fix within the next 12 or so hours to clean up the mess.

While I was not able to ship out a hastened 0.R.6 or even 0.R.5.5, the posted file link to 0.R.5 now leads to the properly sized 183 KB Excel sheet. There should not be any changes other than the removal of those million-odd rows. I implore the few 0.R.5 users to replace their file with this newer one for improved sheet performance.

I am feeling fairly drained at the moment and have plans for the coming weekend, but I plan to bring the Skills Sheet up to speed by the end of next week. After that, I may actually take a crack at trying the Starting vs. Normal Experience split. Current plan is to introduce a radio button to switch between the purchasing "modes". Starting Mode sets a flag for Divination-granted Talents, e.g., Jaded (if I remember correctly). If Jaded's starting flag is present, the character should gain +2 Willpower instead of gaining the Jaded Talent she already has (again, if I remember correctly). Normal Mode will not leave any such flags, ensuring that the Divination grants will not be given at 30,000xp. Theoretically simple/plausible, but I'll have to see if it works.

Very nice work.

I would like to see that the aptitude substitution list include all aptitudes even if it is against the RAW rules.

I would also like to see the character sheet page as being exportable into PDF, so the excel sheet could be used as a digital character sheet that can be emailed between players and GM and then printed for the around-the-table session. After the session the purchases etc. can be updated back into the sheet.

Gear handling is nice and all, but in my opinion might be too much work for too little gain. We usually keep track of gear on independent sheets anyway, as character sheets rarely have the space to handle what is carried on person and what is stored where, etc.

Thanks for the contribution!


Very nice work.

I would like to see that the aptitude substitution list include all aptitudes even if it is against the RAW rules.

I would also like to see the character sheet page as being exportable into PDF, so the excel sheet could be used as a digital character sheet that can be emailed between players and GM and then printed for the around-the-table session. After the session the purchases etc. can be updated back into the sheet.

Gear handling is nice and all, but in my opinion might be too much work for too little gain. We usually keep track of gear on independent sheets anyway, as character sheets rarely have the space to handle what is carried on person and what is stored where, etc.

Thanks for the contribution!


Thank you for your kind words.

Regarding your first point (on Aptitudes), it is possible to delve into the Chargen Catalog(ue) Sheet and manipulate the granted Aptitudes directly. I have tried to make doing so easy and intuitive. The sheet should compensate for any book deviations. In the future, I may implement hard overwrites directly into the generator, but that will take some testing. In the interim, I can push a small update with what you requested.

On the second point (regarding external .pdf's), I will have to investigate that and get back to you. Importing/exporting the Character Sheet to a Word document may be worth trying.

Lastly (regarding gear tracking), I intend to have a section on adding custom items. That feature is a ways off, but I would like my character sheet to contain the full character sheet experience. One of the chief reasons I created this sheet was in fact the hard limit on "normal" sheets.

Let me know if there are any non-standard features you would like to see.

Alright, time for a status update. I did not get as much time to work on the sheet as I would have liked this past week, but I have made progress:

  • It is a relatively simply matter to export the Character Sheet as a .pdf. However, the sheet is not optimized for doing so. Future updates will see the Character Sheet overhauled anyway, so I will keep .pdf readability in mind.
  • I picked up a few more functions (namely FIND(), MID(), REPLACE(), and SEARCH()) that can extract Starting Skills and Starting Gear from a combined text string (a list in a single cell). This means that I can more easily check for the obtainables by name and grant them properly.
  • Cleaned up some of the behind-the-scene Catalog formulas to address errors during Character Creation.

I want to accomplish the following at minimum before publishing 0.R.6:

  • Skills Sheet :
    • NOT STARTED: More clearly indicate what the character's current Rank is (mainly addresses grants, as the drop-down menus do not update to indicate Known Skills) - Probable fix: Append (Rank X: [skill Level]) to the Skill's name and add the next Advance's name to the listed Cost.
    • COMPLETED: Granted Skills cost 0xp - Longstanding goal, a relatively simple (and already implemented) change.
  • Weapons Sheet:
    • NOT STARTED: Track Background Weapon grants - As a prelude to a full Gear sheet, I can at least add to the functionality of the existing (and arguably completed) Weapons Sheet.
    • TENTATIVE : Include Strength Bonus for Melee Weapon Damage - If I can think of a clean way to implement it (i.e., not "1d10+4+(SB: 6) Rending". Then again, enemy listings just include the flat damage as part of their weapons' profiles. Might tack on SB as a Special Quality or something then, if only so users don't have to constantly flick between the Characteristic section and the Weapons section for cross-referencing.

any new :D , i been just waiting for the next realese, nice work with this sheet.

petty that these great things all of a sudden die a silent death. Anyhoo. There were a couple of things going haywire in xls 2010 so I've corrected these:


and tip for the the author, should (s)he join us in this thread: put some links/email/ways to contact/credit etc. in the xls sheet itself!!

Edited by wolph42

Good effort!

Yes, it's sad that this died a silent death.

I'll do a bit of effort to get this up to date.

Edited by Gridash

Added all the expansion worlds and gave the option to select specific home world planets, I'll do backgrounds next.

Also note that I only plan to bring everything up to date with the new expansions, the rest is still upto the original author, unless noted otherwise.

What I plan to do:

- Bring Homeworlds up to date (CHECK)

- Give the option to select specific planets (CHECK)

- Add expansion Backgrounds

- Add expansion Roles

- Add expansion Elite Advances

- Making sure everything is displayed nicely on the character sheet.

And if it's worth the effort:

- Update weapon list

- Add Armor list

- Add Equipment list

- Add Psychic Powers list

Edited by Gridash

Well, it seems nobody is interested in this anymore. I'll focus on other projects instead then.

Well, it seems nobody is interested in this anymore. I'll focus on other projects instead then.

Just want to add that I'm completely interested in this - Unless there's a new sheet out there that I've overlooked which is just better?

Is the sheet your working on the one in the OP, or did you have a link somewhere that I've also overlooked?

Well, it seems nobody is interested in this anymore. I'll focus on other projects instead then.

Just want to add that I'm completely interested in this - Unless there's a new sheet out there that I've overlooked which is just better?

Is the sheet your working on the one in the OP, or did you have a link somewhere that I've also overlooked?

I've based myself on the file that wolph42 posted earlier (I had a copy before the link went dead).

This is basically still the OP's version, but with some compatibility issues fixed. As far as I know, there are no other versions around in terms of actual content.

Edited by Gridash

I rather mean your latest version of the sheet, as I didn't spot the link for it in my browsing, so I wondered if you'd had a mod replace it in the OP or something?

Ah, nothing yet because there is no stable version yet.

Well... I can understand the lack of attention then. ^.^ Although apps aren't something I really use, regrettably.

Edited by TheWorldSmith

have you consider doing a GM helper?? xD, honestly even tough the official app for dh2 is good for a player, i find it slow for a gm to use, a Gm tool, i dont know, where you could put your characters, npc and pc, an initiative helper, skills and trait (with somekind of explanations if you forget something), bullet counter and thing like that. I think something like that would be very very usefull.

Edited by jack_px

So, it has been over a year since I last checked in, and you guys deserve some answers. I will try to be brief:

What happened?/Where did you go?

Ultimately, life happened. As a result of compounded "issues", I opted out of a lot of things.

What will happen to/Will you continue working on the Character Sheet?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Yes, but not at present and not through Excel. Excel can process data easily enough, but the representation of that data is less than ideal; it works well at the cost of aesthetics. The work I would have put into the Excel file is the same work I would have had to do in a more graphically-inclined application. Some of the prototypes I had or have lying around were made in JavaScript, PHP, and Python.

What is the final verdict?

Development for this character sheet is effectively on hiatus until further notice. The interest in continuing it is there, but the opportunity is not.

I must say... While Excel doesn't look the best, do we really need a high in graphical fidelity alternative?

They're a tried and true format. People know what they're getting into, and as displayed by some of the 1st edition books, graphics can get in the way of reading and make things look messy.

What's the reasoning behind the desire for more graphical fidelity? Is it your own concern? Is motivation lacking if you're looking at excel for long periods? Did you get complaints from other community members?

Personally, unless it's an entirely-personal decision, I reckon you should do a poll? See if people really dislike the Excel aesthetic or not - As I certainly don't, and I don't feel like many of my fellow players would mind either.

have you consider doing a GM helper?? xD, honestly even tough the official app for dh2 is good for a player, i find it slow for a gm to use, a Gm tool, i dont know, where you could put your characters, npc and pc, an initiative helper, skills and trait (with somekind of explanations if you forget something), bullet counter and thing like that. I think something like that would be very very usefull.

Tried to make this, failed miserable xD. I just couldnt understand how to make excel auto fill some cells based on a selection :c

error post xD

Edited by jack_px