Excel Dark Heresy Second Edition Character Sheet

By Asymptomatic, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

DH2 Character Sheet - Design Goals Poll
Help shape the future of this character sheet!

HTML/JavaScript Character Sheet Prototype via Dropbox/Orangedox : DH2_HTML_November10

  • Create Home Worlds
  • Delete Home Worlds
  • Edit Home Worlds
Edited by Asymptomatic

CURRENT VERSION via Dropbox/Orangedox : Character Sheet 0.R.5.ReTalents

Previous Version via Dropbox/Orangedox : [witheld due to file size]

Alright, time for a status update. I did not get as much time to work on the sheet as I would have liked this past week, but I have made progress:

  • It is a relatively simply matter to export the Character Sheet as a .pdf. However, the sheet is not optimized for doing so. Future updates will see the Character Sheet overhauled anyway, so I will keep .pdf readability in mind.
  • I picked up a few more functions (namely FIND(), MID(), REPLACE(), and SEARCH()) that can extract Starting Skills and Starting Gear from a combined text string (a list in a single cell). This means that I can more easily check for the obtainables by name and grant them properly.
  • Cleaned up some of the behind-the-scene Catalog formulas to address errors during Character Creation.

I want to accomplish the following at minimum before publishing 0.R.6:

  • Skills Sheet :
    • NOT STARTED: More clearly indicate what the character's current Rank is (mainly addresses grants, as the drop-down menus do not update to indicate Known Skills) - Probable fix: Append (Rank X: [skill Level]) to the Skill's name and add the next Advance's name to the listed Cost.
    • COMPLETED: Granted Skills cost 0xp - Longstanding goal, a relatively simple (and already implemented) change.
  • Weapons Sheet:
    • NOT STARTED: Track Background Weapon grants - As a prelude to a full Gear sheet, I can at least add to the functionality of the existing (and arguably completed) Weapons Sheet.
    • TENTATIVE : Include Strength Bonus for Melee Weapon Damage - If I can think of a clean way to implement it (i.e., not "1d10+4+(SB: 6) Rending". Then again, enemy listings just include the flat damage as part of their weapons' profiles. Might tack on SB as a Special Quality or something then, if only so users don't have to constantly flick between the Characteristic section and the Weapons section for cross-referencing.

Figured it's time I open my little pet project to the general public. While .pdf character sheets are nice and all, sorting Talents, Gear, and such alphabetically is a pain. Here is an amateur attempt of making a streamlined character sheet that makes micromanaging easier. Please leave any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions here. I check the forums rather religiously, so you will get a reply from me in short order. Thank you for your time. Happy Heresy'ing.



  • Fully functional drop-down lists and displays
  • Slightly expanded character sheet. Still not a full character sheet
  • Aptitude tracker and substitution method
  • Full simulated dice roller/random number generator for character creation
  • Skills Sheet to buy skills more neatly tracks XP costs
  • Rudimentary XP Tracker calculates XP expenditure on Skills and Talents
  • Weapons Sheet for browsing and obtaining weapons
  • Expanded Character Sheet tracks up to 6 different weapons
  • Sortable Talents Sheet now compensates for chargen grants
  • Chargen lists expanded to include 3 fill-in-the-blank homebrew options
  • UPDATED: All Talents have their effects listed
  • UPDATED: Talents Sheet tracks multiple-instance Talents and provides clearer feedback for granted Talents
  • UPDATED: Character Sheet's Talent List displays 30 Talents, up from 20
  • NEW: Added Inquisitor and Untouchable Talents
  • NEW: Talent Viewer on the Character Sheet displays the prerequisites and effects of obtained Talents

Everything below this line is incomplete

  • Divination selector. Not really hooked up to player stats
  • Background Skills are not yet set to cost 0 xp
  • Talents do not track Mechanicus Implants/Gear prerequisites
  • XP Tracker does not differentiate between Starting and normal Experience
  • Weapons Sheet not hooked up to Starting Equipment
  • Weapon Modifications not yet implemented



  • Actual character sheet
  • Finish Divinations
  • Finish Skills
  • Finish Talents
  • Finish Experience Tracker
  • Re-implement Characteristic Advances
  • Finish Gear
  • Instruction manual for homebrewing/not breaking things



  • This version is half-complete in many of the new areas I started.
  • Using the Talent Sheet's checkboxes breaks the automatic granting functionality, though the cost will still be zero.




  • How do you find the flow of the sheet? Tolerable? Clunky?
  • Is the sheet easy enough to understand and complete? Are there ways to cut out unnecessary steps?
  • Try fiddling around with character creation options. Does anything break or stop making sense?


  • How do you like the new format? Better or worse than before? In what ways?
  • What zoom level do you normally view the sheet at? How big is your monitor?


  • How easy is it to find the Skill/Talent you want to purchase?
  • How difficult is it to purchase Talents without directions?


  • How readable is this new sheet?


  • How readable is this sheet?
  • How hard is it to tweak a Home World's/Background's/Role's attributes?
Edited by Asymptomatic

For what it's worth, Version 0.7 is up. Personally, I like how the actual Character Sheet is coming along. I'll be chugging right along later, so maybe I can get to Version 1.0 within a week.

Version 0.75 is mostly a quality-of-life update with few mechanical changes. While it's still not a full character creation process, it's good for theorycrafting and having most of the variables in one place. It will probably be a while before my next update, but it'll be a big one. Thinking of banging out both Divinations and Skills for it.

It's a great resource. Thanks.

It's a little clunky, and I found myself wishing it had a talent picker. I think it would also benefit from transferring the skill, talent, trait and aptitude data onto the third page.

But that's me being critical (as asked). Overall it's super useful and great for sketching out characters if not yet for producing final polished character sheets.

My one reservation is that I seemed to pick up a lot of bloatware from the 4shared site. Took me ages to clean it up. Is there a more sterile sharing platform you could use for future updates?

Edited by KillingTime

It's a little clunky, and I found myself wishing it had a talent picker. I think it would also benefit from transferring the skill, talent, trait and aptitude data onto the third page.

My one reservation is that I seemed to pick up a lot of bloatware from the 4shared site. Took me ages to clean it up. Is there a more sterile sharing platform you could use for future updates?

Thank you for the feedback. The third sheet is the actual Character Sheet, if I remember correctly? From what I understand, you are concerned that the Character Sheet doesn't actually include much? Not finishing the Character Sheet was a personal choice since I wouldn't be hooking up those elements to the rest of the workbook for quite some time. I can prioritize a finished (if almost 100% manual) Character Sheet if that would be desired.

I'm going to roll out an update... Mmn, between today and Friday that will be completely decked out with Divinations, Skills, and an Experience Tracker (for Skills and Characteristic Advances only). Talents, Traits, Mutations, and Malignancy are slated for the patch after that.

Ooh, sorry to hear about the bloatware. I happened to have a 4shared account already, so I thought nothing of using it. Let me find an alternative for next time. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

Edited by Asymptomatic

Yes, the third sheet is the character sheet.

I thought it would be good if all the choices from the previous sheets then showed up in a more complete way so you have a full overview of the character.

Not a big deal though.

Divinations and XP will be cool. Looking forward to the update!

I rolled out Version 0.8 before it was done to address some security issues. 0.78 has some fancy (half-finished) features that are worth trying out though! You can get the new file from Dropbox or MediaFire instead of 4shared.


I thought it would be good if all the choices from the previous sheets then showed up in a more complete way so you have a full overview of the character.

Could I ask you to expand upon this? I might be able to implement what you're looking for all within the first sheet since it already has a summary-type deal off to the side. Need to make sure I know what it is you're looking for though.

Also, if you download the new version, let me know if any more issues come up. Thanks again.

Great. Thanks for that.

What I mean is that if sheet 3 is linked to sheets 1&2 so that all the talents and aptitudes show up in list form under the skills or stats boxes.

That way you immediately have all the key information on one sheet instead of it being dispersed over the other pages.

Just downloaded the next version.

Looking good. And you've already started to do as I was thinking with the aptitudes...

Great. Thanks for that.

What I mean is that if sheet 3 is linked to sheets 1&2 so that all the talents and aptitudes show up in list form under the skills or stats boxes.

That way you immediately have all the key information on one sheet instead of it being dispersed over the other pages.

Hrmm. So then would you want to port over the summary on the first sheet over to the third sheet? I can see why having to flip between two sheets would be troublesome. I was trying to stick to the official character sheet's formatting, but maybe that was a whim I shouldn't have followed. I'll fiddle around with new character sheet designs and see if any stick.

My original plan was to have a "Talent/Trait Viewer" on the Character Sheet once I have those elements listed. It's hard to describe without actually having it implemented, but it would use the same drop-down menu functionality I have with the current summary. You'd pick one of your Talents/Traits from this drop-down menu and then it would display the information about what you picked in a nearby box. Does that make sense?

Yup. That sounds right.

Alright, the next update might be rather radical then. I'm going to throw out the current character sheet formatting for something like the summary on the character profile sheet. I will also smush the Skills sheet into the Profile sheet so you can do all your experience spending in one place. Something like this:

  1. Profile - Everything you do here will go on the Character Sheet. Create your character, grab some Talents and Skills, etc.
  2. Catalog - If it comes from a drop-down menu, you'll find it here. Preview entire menu options without thumbing through them one by one.
  3. Character Sheet - Compiles everything from the Profile into a single, easy-to-read document. I may or may not prevent editing on this sheet, since all the work should be done in the Profile anyway.

If I do go this angle, it'll probably be a total gut-job, but at least there'll be only three sheets to juggle, right? Instead of 5 or 10 or what have you. What do you think?

Edited by Asymptomatic

After nearly a month's silence, I present the next update. It's pretty departed from my previous versions, yet there are few overt changes. Put many hours swapping out my earlier, inefficient formulas for more powerful/fancier ones I picked up along the way. Now that I'm sufficiently re-motivated, I won't be taking another three-week break anytime soon. I'd like to bang out the Skills update by this time next week, but we'll see. If I don't get anywhere with the Skill-cost skeleton, I'll at least rebuild the Character Sheet proper to better display the information I would like it to in the future, such as where a particular Unnatural Characteristic trait is coming from.

For the home-brewers out there, I made Home Worlds, Backgrounds, and Roles much easier to Frankenstein and shoehorn custom tidbits in. Hmm, I should probably make an instruction booklet on how to do so without breaking something. Something for a future update then.

Edited by Asymptomatic

0.R.2 brings the long-awaited Talent-buying sheet! It's about 90% functional, currently unable to monitor prerequisites like Cybernetics (items haven't been introduced yet) or other Talents (due to my lack of know-how). While I don't have in-sheet instructions yet, here are a few guidelines:

  1. All DH2 Talents are listed, though you can use a number of filter, sort, and search options to narrow the selection (e.g., sort the Talents by their costs and/or show only Talents with no prerequisites).
  2. The prerequisites and costs are calculated in hidden columns to condense the sheet.
  3. A Talent will not have a cost listed if you do not meet the Characteristic- or Skill-based prerequisites. The Cost column will display "Prereqs not met!" if you try to purchase the Talent anyway and xp will not be deducted.

I experimented with several Excel functions that I don't fully understand yet, so please let me know if something breaks. The next small update will have the Characteristic Advances table restored, which can be expected soon-ish and shouldn't take too too much effort.

First off, I really appreciate your efforts with this. This has the potential to make things so much neater :)

I've run into an issue with the "Imperial Guard" Background pick. As soon as that is selected in the background dropdown list, the background Skills and Talent list is filled in this case with the fields from the Hierophant Role Aptitude... Similar issues arise if I pick 'Outcast' from the dropdown.

My excel skills are pretty dire (SUM is about the most complex thing I ever needed to do), so I have no idea what the problem is or what I'm missing...?

It may be simply that I'm missing something bleeding obvious. O it may be that the spreadsheet doesn't like my version of office 2013?

Anyway, keep up the good work :)


First off, I really appreciate your efforts with this. This has the potential to make things so much neater :)

I've run into an issue with the "Imperial Guard" Background pick. As soon as that is selected in the background dropdown list, the background Skills and Talent list is filled in this case with the fields from the Hierophant Role Aptitude... Similar issues arise if I pick 'Outcast' from the dropdown.


Hey Marc, thanks for your kind words.

Regarding your issue... Yeech, how'd that happen? I'm poking at it to see why it broke. Thanks for the heads up!

ADDENDUM: Found the problem! There was an issue with a Name referring to an odd group of cells. I can ship a fixed version (which means everyone would have to re-download the file), tack it onto the next update, or provide the fix here.

Edited by Asymptomatic

A interim fix would be awesome, since I need to make a couple of characters for a game asap :)

Either a separate download or an updated 'hotfix' version replacing the standard DL link would do ;)

Thanks for the quick response.


A interim fix would be awesome, since I need to make a couple of characters for a game asap :)

Either a separate download or an updated 'hotfix' version replacing the standard DL link would do ;)

Thanks for the quick response.


Interim fix it is! Replaced both links with a updated version. This should solve the issue you had before, but let me know if it doesn't. Thanks for your support.

New version is up, featuring the standard weapons available in Chapter V! As with the Talents Sheet, there are numerous hidden columns to condense the sheet. Unhiding those columns allow more specific filtering, such as only showing weapons that roll more than one die for damage or weapons with Full Auto capabilities.

Initially, I did want to move ahead with Characteristic Advances, but I'm still having some trouble wrapping my head around the necessary macros. Drop-down menus are rather clunky, so I want to replace all the drop-down menus before moving on. Creating new sheets for unmodified Gear is simpler by comparison, so my next few updates will probably revolve around them instead. Progress is progress, but most things Skill, Talent, or Characteristic-related are going on the back burner for now.

Holey moley, it certainly has been a while since my last update (no thanks to losing Excel a few weeks back). In any case, this fairly large update should make Talents easier to work with, as well as providing an opportunity for custom Home Worlds, Backgrounds, and Roles. As I went and messed around with a lot of the cells, please let me know if I broke something in the process. I will shell out hotfixes as requested.

The initial goal for this sheet is to adhere as closely to the book as possible, but I intend to throw in my own house rules once the book-abiding version is done. If you would like me to add something from another book or your own house rules earlier, I can do that for you as long as it is a small-scope change (e.g., not asking for an entire armoury from Book X). I put a lot of effort into making the sheet easier to edit for people other than myself, but let me know if I can improve the user-friendliness.

I think you forgot to include a link.

I think you forgot to include a link.

Did I? I thought I put the link to the newest sheet at the top of the first post. Though maybe i should have tacked it on to my earlier post as well.

I think you forgot to include a link.

Did I? I thought I put the link to the newest sheet at the top of the first post. Though maybe i should have tacked it on to my earlier post as well.

Oh, derp. Your last post was the first on page 2 and I thought this was a whole new thread.

I know I'm going to sound stupid, but I don't see a way of selecting anything. Is this character sheet supposed to do something presently, or is it just a framework to help with generation later down the line?