Most Ally/Villain Packs already sold out at CSI

By Paine, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

What a bummer! Well, Miniature Market has them all in stock.

But don't lose hope yet. I seem to remember this happening with X-Wing, where the pre-orders sold out and then the store got more in stock before they were released. All it means is that the store sold out on what it already ordered from distributors, so if the distributors still have more stock to sell, CSI could buy another batch before these things ever hit the stores. But if the distributors are already out, then yeah, you'll probably have to wait for another printing.

Uhhh ... no.

This game hasn't even been released yet. The only thing you can do is pre-order the game and the expansions.

I'm willing to bet that they are limiting pre-orders, just in case FFG does allocations based on shipping containers being released at different times. Considering how coolstuff was recently burned by Wizkids, this makes sense.

Uhhh ... no.

This game hasn't even been released yet. The only thing you can do is pre-order the game and the expansions.


I know what a pre-order is. CSI is no longer taking pre-orders for every expansion except the Saboteurs, therefore they are sold out of their initial allocation. They may or may not be able to buy more from FFG, but for now they are sold out. If FFG's initial stock is already fully allocated, they will be sold out until the next run arrives.

Uhhh ... no.

This game hasn't even been released yet. The only thing you can do is pre-order the game and the expansions.


I know what a pre-order is. CSI is no longer taking pre-orders for every expansion except the Saboteurs, therefore they are sold out of their initial allocation. They may or may not be able to buy more from FFG, but for now they are sold out. If FFG's initial stock is already fully allocated, they will be sold out until the next run arrives.

Again, not completely accurate. While they may not be taking any more pre-orders, this DOES NOT mean they are sold out, nor does it mean that you won't be able to order it when it comes in.

In other words, CSI has ALWAYS received a greater number of allocated units than those that were pre-ordered. This has been true to date for everything I have ever attempted to purchase, including each and every expansion of D1e, D2e, X-Wing, etc.

And this spans years of buying from them. I have never pre-ordered anything, and yet the day the item is released, it is still available for order from their site. Always has been. Can't believe it will be any different for Imperial Assault and its expansions.

Now, they may no longer be taking pre-orders, but this does not mean you won't be able to get the product from them, when it is initially released, assuming their business model has not somehow changed overnight.

Edited by any2cards

MiniatureMarket still has everything available for pre-order. I just ordered 1 of each expansion, with no problems.


Will the Ally packs be released at the same time as the base game?

Unlikely as the core game is "on the boat", and the Ally packs are still "in production".

CSI is also known to start taking pre-orders again before release. I've seen it several times with new games.