Resources for Tactical Maps

By Fiddler27, in Only War Game Masters

Out of curiosity, does anyone know any good programs for making and printing tactical maps that would illustrate a broad front of warfare?

How "good" shall it be illustrated?

If it is only about tactical unit placement I can propose Maptools. We use that tool with a custom Ruleset for all of our campaigns/maps and actually do play online. Others do prefer to draw maps. I do not know how or even if they are able to print much but a good screenshot works wonders sometimes.

This may not be the response you want to hear, but I have had a great time with a large "Research Lab Notebook" which is essentially a big book of graph paper, rulers and mechanical/colored pencils.

My maps were crap at first, but the more I draw and update, the better I get and the more tricks I pick up. Honestly, maps in general make combat action sequences a much more exciting ordeal and help players estimate approximate distances better. And I have found that my players really enjoying seeing their enemies set on fire.

Anyways, I should not that I am also playing primarily PbP games and thus have much more time to put into my maps between rounds. Anyways, the old-fashioned way is my preferred method.

I make maps with Sketchup - 3D modelling application from Google. It's totally idiotproof and this means that even I, who never modelled anything in 3D before can make a decent map. I prefer 3D to 2D ones, because they make BIG difference. You can sculpt walls to provide different types of cover, invent tons of new fighting arenas stretching over several floors. You can utilize a full power of npc's that can climb, fly, provide indirect fire or otherwise make use of a 3rd dimension.

Besides you get all the tools needed to keep things right on your map - a measuring tape, npc, blast and arc tokens...

If that's not enough there's a whole internet database of models ready to use, shared by other users. Hundreds of them are wh40k inspired. You can find Space Marines, IG vehicles and soldier models, Tau... If you'll search for it long enough you're gonna find it.

Edited by Commediante