Looking for players in the Denver area

By gearhead, in Player community

Looking for other players in the Denver area. I live in the Highlands so Total Escape Games, Briar Hobbies and Wizard's Chest are most accessible for me.


We have a pretty good group now in the Denver area. Always welcoming more. We've been playing at Adventurer's Quarters in Arvada as it's kind of a central location for all of us. If you'd like to join us, post a reply here or send me a private message.

I live up in Boulder and have been playing (mostly solo) for about a year...Would be interested in trying to meet up with your group. What upcoming times/days are you guys planning on getting together? Playing anything else or just LOTR?

Thanks, hope to be able to meet up with you sometime.


Our next meet up is on Wednesday, January 7th to continue the 1st Fellowship of the Ring expansion: Whether that is "The Old Forest" (backing up) or continuing with "Race to the Ford" is up in the air atm. We'll be playing in Arvada at the "Adventurer's Quarters" around 6:30pm (the earliest our Centenniel friend can arrive).

As far as other games, I'm a long time boardgamer. I'm seeing if we can get a few players for the Monday after Christmas for Imperial Assault.

pm me at [email protected] to get in touch.
