Deck Building

By blacKRunner, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Which corporation is best to flat line a runner, I have feeling it's jinteki, if so what identities and other cards should I use? If not please list the corp, and recommended cards.

Scorched earth- 'cause nothing gets rid rid of a runner faster than blowing up the building he's in.

A popular combo is NBN with 3 copies of Scorched Earth (weyland) and a bunch of cards and ice ( Data Raven !) that can get a runner tagged. Add some card draw ( Jackson Howard ) Now also put in San San city grid and a bunch of cheap agendas so you can win on points aswell. Make sure you get the runner (at least one) tagged and have two copies of scorched earth in your hand and play them during the same turn: 8 meat damage! boom, instant flatline! If the runner was a bit careless (less than 5 cards in his grip at end of his turn) one scorched earth will do the trick.

The only truly effective counter to scorched earth is Plascrete Carapace. ( 4 host power counters: prevent 4 meat damage)

Jinteki of course is awesome at killing runners. I have seen a guy lose to Tsurugi + clone retirement + Jinteki's Hq ability by turn 3. Precognition is a great card that should be in every Jinteki deck. Combine Snare with Scorched Earth (s) to instakill any runner not decked out with protective gear. Caprice Nisei and Chairman Hiro are great upgrades. Mushin no shin is great for setting up a catch 22 scenario: install a card and then mushin puts 3 advancement counters on it. Is it an ambush? Or is it an agenda you will score next turn?

Another good ally for Jinteki is Haas Bioroid: HB has a lot of scary ice such as Viktor 1.0 and Ichi 1.0 that can do brain damage, softening up the runner for a kill later on.

Edited by Robin Graves

okay thanks for the tip.