Should Credits/Stuff be at all a focus for a F&D campaign?

By FuriousGreg, in General Discussion

I can understand Credits being a somewhat major motivator for an Edge game (though thats not how I run it) and even a for a Rebellion game (though more about equipment and information to support the cause), but what place does it have in an F&D campaign?

How are you going to run and balance the motivations of PCs form different settings when it comes to stuff?

In a pure Force and Destiny game I don't think credits should be the primary focus, but they still are a concern. You can't fight The Empire if you can't put gas in your ship. Part of the fun can be balancing putting food on the table with fighting The Empire. Last nights episode of Rebels is a good example of how money can be used to motivate and create games. The group took a job running guns because they were broke and needed gas. I'll note it was the Jedi who was the primary one pushing to take the job.

On a related note, I'm betting there won't actually be that many pure F&D games. Most groups will pull in characters from all of the "systems." Your Jedi might well be teamed up with a smuggler or fighter who do care about credits.

Well, the question of motivation for very different PCs is a good one, the answer having almost nothing to do with credits and everything to do with the GM's ability to herd cats...

Well, the question of motivation for very different PCs is a good one, the answer having almost nothing to do with credits and everything to do with the GM's ability to herd cats...

I think once the force users get the gear they need. Like their saber, the upgrades, the armored robes or whatever. They won't be looking for gear so much. They will be looking to fund their endeavors against the empire.

Or information I recall that being an important point in the pilot episodes of Star Wars Rebels...

The focus should be on whatever entertains your group. Artifacts, credits, adventure, whatever floats your boat. There are lots of legitimate ideas for running whatever your game is.

I was actually considering a house rule that would tie the XP and credits chosen at the beginning with the increase or decrease of the base Morality score to emphasize the nature of the duality related to the Force. Taking more XP and/or credits would result in the reduction of the Force-sensitive character's Morality score to reflect the fact that the allure of the dark side is an immediate narrative consequence thereby echoing Yoda's words that it is "Quicker, easier, more seductive."

For example, take more XP and credits, take -20 hit on Morality. Take a little XP and credits, -10 on Morality. Take no additional XP and credits, receive +10 Morality.

I think this would serve to set the tone very early on about what this iteration of the game is all about.

I was actually considering a house rule that would tie the XP and credits chosen at the beginning with the increase or decrease of the base Morality score to emphasize the nature of the duality related to the Force. Taking more XP and/or credits would result in the reduction of the Force-sensitive character's Morality score to reflect the fact that the allure of the dark side is an immediate narrative consequence thereby echoing Yoda's words that it is "Quicker, easier, more seductive."

For example, take more XP and credits, take -20 hit on Morality. Take a little XP and credits, -10 on Morality. Take no additional XP and credits, receive +10 Morality.

So stuff and more free stuff! What's the catch?

I was actually considering a house rule that would tie the XP and credits chosen at the beginning with the increase or decrease of the base Morality score to emphasize the nature of the duality related to the Force. Taking more XP and/or credits would result in the reduction of the Force-sensitive character's Morality score to reflect the fact that the allure of the dark side is an immediate narrative consequence thereby echoing Yoda's words that it is "Quicker, easier, more seductive."

For example, take more XP and credits, take -20 hit on Morality. Take a little XP and credits, -10 on Morality. Take no additional XP and credits, receive +10 Morality.

So stuff and more free stuff! What's the catch?

That is a good question, I think. If a character would be inclined to ask it, I suppose that that character would have no issue with embracing the dark side of the Force to gain the benefits outlined. It exhibits an 'ends justifies the means' sort of mentality.

Edited by angelicdoctor

I know my intermittent unintentional sep mini campaign doesn't have money as an issue... Characters were able to get whatever gear they wanted (with GM approval) with no special charge or penalty when starting. Though I should note they have access to an entire CIS fleet. They ended up not really taking a whole lot beyond their lightsabers and some odds and ends, though when you have command of an entire CIS fleet you don't really spend much time on mundane equipment needs...

Edited by Ghostofman

I just watched Rebels ep 2 (Droids in distress) and Kanan (the Jedi co-leader) mentions their need for credits to keep everything running but none of them seemed too concerned with personal wealth. The exception was Erza but that's seems to be more of a leftover from his upbringing that's fading. So I kind of see a mixed group could be like this or a bit more FireFly like with some PC more interested in personal wealth then others.

A Jedi only group will likely be a little different but I'm thinking that they will only go for what they need to accomplish a task or as a reserve. I see them instead relying on those that secretly support exiled Jedi if they really need something.

Edited by FuriousGreg

Given how quickly the money game can get carried in EoE, I'd say no. Serious. Credits are more of a binary state in the game I'm playing. Almost everyone is sitting on 20 grand and can't spend it, yet we don't have the funds to do anything crazy like get a starfighter unless we blew the bank.

You want the loot game to take a back seat. You get "credits," which is enough to cover your costs, plus some more physical resources. Like that start of the Lost Knowledge adventure, you'be booked passage and paid for for your room already. No credits change hands. The only time credits come up is for some minor expenses that have other ways to resolve. So when the party stops worrying about money and being murder hobos, and instead follows the story, your going to have an easier time dealing with credits.

I was actually considering a house rule that would tie the XP and credits chosen at the beginning with the increase or decrease of the base Morality score to emphasize the nature of the duality related to the Force. Taking more XP and/or credits would result in the reduction of the Force-sensitive character's Morality score to reflect the fact that the allure of the dark side is an immediate narrative consequence thereby echoing Yoda's words that it is "Quicker, easier, more seductive."

For example, take more XP and credits, take -20 hit on Morality. Take a little XP and credits, -10 on Morality. Take no additional XP and credits, receive +10 Morality.

I think this would serve to set the tone very early on about what this iteration of the game is all about.

As long as your players weren't wanting to go dark side in the first place :) cuz then you're just rewarding them.

In the current Potelbat YALP series for Age of Rebellion, the GM had special character building rules that included trading 10 XP for 2500 credits. That was a very cool idea. You could have a characteristic at 4, or a lightsaber. Your choice.