Card Texts

By aniedrig, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Is it just me or is the wording on some cards strange?

take a look at this card for instance:

"Use at the start of a round. Your player claims the initiative token and he must activate you first this round."

Is this card actually talking to the miniature itself?! Does "your player" refer to me?!

If so, why does the card not simply say:

"Claim the initiative token. If you do, you must activate Han Solo first this round."

... or something like that. It is me, who is reading the card after all, not the miniature.

If this card means something else, please inform me.

For me personally the wording should be simple, but precise without any unnecessary complexity or confusion.

btw, I am not a native speaker, so maybe I am simply not familiar with this kind of description.

I'm a native speaker and I thought that sounded kind of weird.

It's like the card is written from the perspective of the Han Solo mini.

Your player (Han's player, or you) claims the initiative token and he (your player, Han's player, you...not sure why this is gendered) must activate you (Han) first this round.

It's like Han is playing the card himself. I hope they are not all written like that, because it will likely lead to a lot of rules lawyering and misinterpretations.

I prefer your rewrite also. Clean, simple, easy to understand and no gender issues.

so it's not just me.

I hope they change that card and any other card that may be written that way. it simply sounds weird and makes no sense at all. the mini is neither reading nor playing the card.

I honestly wonder who would phrase something like that.

another text I think could have been better is on this page:

The "Binary Revolution" Card says: "After Rebels resolve any other side mission, discard this card and receive the reward listed below."

shouldn't it be " IF THE Rebels resolve any..."

1) I believe it should be "If". "After" kind of presupposes that they do and I don't think that's what's meant here. After all the card itself is a side mission, which the player can choose to play.

2) "The" Rebels, no?

and another example:

The "Stormtrooper" card says "While attacking, while adjacent..."

It is not wrong, but it sounds like someone else isn't a native speaker. Why does it not simply say "WHEN attacking, while adjacent..." It sounds better and definitely has the same meaning. Its not like you will reroll your die mid-throw.

There are already 3 cards in the previews alone that sound weird. who know how many there are that are plain ambiguous or stupid. I think they should proof-read their stuff and rework things like these. I mean I am not even a native speaker and it bugs me.

Edited by aniedrig

Those are a little strange. I would reword the Stormtrooper to "If adjacent to another friendly Trooper while attacking ..."

Also, the use of "you" for the Han Solo card is quite strange. It bothered me at first, but then I thought it was alright. It's not the worst thing in the world. I thought maybe the wording was an easy way to distinguish skirmish cards from campaign cards. Maybe? I don't know.

For Binary Revolution, it's plain to see that they ran out of space on the card. I think that's why it says "Rebels" instead of "the Rebels." They may have been able to put "If the Rebels ..." on the card. I wonder if there is some timing issue at work here. In the LCG, "after" refers to a very specific timing for reactions while "if" is used for constant effects, so I wonder if "after" was chosen because there is a specific timing trigger in the Rebels completing a side quest.

Apart from the strange wording, I just don't get how these side mission cards work at all. I can't wait to read an article about them. It seems like you can have side missions in play without actually being in the side mission? And are the two paragraphs in Binary Revolution both in effect, or do you choose to play one paragraph or the other?

even though you are right and it is not the end of the world, it seems all of us are able to rephrase those cards without the slightest of effort. so why is FFG not doing it properly to begin with? this game is going to be pretty expensive and I kind of want it to be good. someone should read through those cards and rephrase those where it is necessary.

the side missions will very likely work like the rumor cards in descent. if so, they will be put in the common play area. those missions or quests are simply another available quest to choose from, when choosing the next quest. if they do indeed work like in descent, then there is no real timing issue and the card should read "If..."

Edited by aniedrig