Eurika - the New Continent (DM Question)

By RoseOfDafne, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG


I'm currently running an Anima game that has been taking place on the Old Continent. However, the party now wants to go to Dafne and the Core book hardly has any information on the New Continent (which I have learned is named Eurika).

I realize that Gaia 2 is coming out at some point here, but it isn't out yet, and I need some info on what the New Continent is like - particularly Manterra, Ygdramar, Espheria, and Dafne. Any details would be helpful.

Of particular note are cultural information or game hook ideas. I've relied heavily on Gaia 1 to add flavor and interest to my party's travels so far, and I want to try to keep up the level of cultural immersion.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!