So there are a lot of different ways to do zombies. So what are you hoping for in regards to the zombies?
Types of Zombies
So long as I get my shambling zombies in large numbers and gigantic crowds I'm happy. But if I also receive a sprinting zombie who are found in small numbers that I'll be over the moon. But if I also am granted a zombie who vomits or explodes and attracts all
Other types, then u will find me screaming bloody murder out of happiness.
alien infection zombies (so we can crossover with the alien invasion book)
Zombies raised by cultist priest (you guessed it; wrath of the gods crossover material!)
And my favorite:
Zombies created by medical nanobots hacking human brains (sequal to rise of the machines)
Zombies created by: radiation, disease, drugs, fertiliser, Egyptian curse, voodoo, toxic spill, secret military experiments, mass brainwashing, Hastur, infected animals/insects, naked space vampires,...
Animal zombies I mean zombie animals
This is a topic I created for crossover of the books.
According to a review of the original game
Holocaust Zombie zombies brings walkers, runners, born of a voodoo spell, a blood infection that affects animals and raised by an alien bacteria.
My favorite type of zombie is the one that The Walking Dead uses. To me, those are the perfect zombies. Although I have to say that they are nowhere near as scary as the ones used in the remake of Dawn of the Dead.
I'm sure the system can also be used to portray a 28 Days Later scenario, where there are no zombies, only people who got infected by a virus that makes them rabid.
I think it depends on the type of story you want to tell. I feel that a The Walking Dead scenario sets up nicely for inter-group drama, while Dawn of the Dead or 28 Days Later works better for action stuff.
The only issue I have with Walking Dead zombies is that they haven't ever stated, at least from what I've seen, what the infection is.
However, I like that everyone is infected essentially.
I think they did that on purpose. Not knowing is a very big part of what the characters in TWD go through. Not every mystery has to be solved to create a good story.
I never implied it was a poor story. Merely it was something I took issue with. It'd be the same story if the characters didn't know and the creator had at some point mentioned it was a virus or bacterium or some such thing.
I think 28 Days zombies would be awesome.
The only issue I have with Walking Dead zombies is that they haven't ever stated, at least from what I've seen, what the infection is.
However, I like that everyone is infected essentially.
Not sure what the infection is. In the walking dead comic some guy cuts of the heads of another character (who was not bitten/infected in any way) and the dismembered head reanimated! So it's a "when somebody dies for any reason they reanimate" like in NOTLD.
Edited by Robin GravesI think 28 Days zombies would be awesome.
Have you seen 28 weeks alter? in the opening scene a zombie crashes trough a borded up window like it was made out of cardboard. Looked like **** well smashed a hole in the wall.
The toughest ones to fight would be the zombies from Return of the living dead, not fast, but inteligent, and imune to headshots and have to be hacked apart.
You can't even really destroy Return of the Living Dead zombies, each part is animated. If you burn the bodies then it just makes vast armies of them.
Edited by ThenDoctorYes, but once hacked apart they become less of a threat. Burning them isn't a good idea, as demonstrated by the characters of the movie. Now if you'll exusme, i have to go phone the hospital and request they send more paramedics...
The only issue I have with Walking Dead zombies is that they haven't ever stated, at least from what I've seen, what the infection is.
However, I like that everyone is infected essentially.
Actually, they did: It was a new type of virus, and had infected every human on the planet (which is why when people in the show don't die from zombies or head trauma, they still become zombies). I forget what season it is in (2?), but they make it to the CDC in Atlanta. There was one CDC doctor left alive, and he explains it to them as well as shows them a recording of someone's brain who is dying from a zombie bite; the scan shows brain activity cease, and then the virus 'jump-start' a small section of the brain.
Edited by SakaraHere's the thing, that's the tv universe, I don't know if that's endorsed by the comic makers as the reason for the infection.
I don't know; I'm not familiar at all with the comic series. My understanding is that there's a lot of communication both ways, but whether or not that applies in this case is anyone's guess.
Edited by SakaraWell there could be an official word on the matter, but I'm not that hung up about it. I know the tv series is divergent from the comic universe and so I don't much care about it when speaking of the base material. That's just me personally.
I think the reason TWD avoids identifying a cause to the infection is because the story isn't about what's causing the problem. I believe it's more about what people do when they're in a situation with no blatantly correct answers. What do you do when you have no answers to a seemingly hopeless situation? Is survival enough? Is that possible to do and keep your morals and humanity? Those are the topics I'd like to explore with this RPG rather than the cause or the solution
I don't think I'd ever give my players the option of fixing the apocalypse.
I don't think I'd ever give my players the option of fixing the apocalypse.
I'll mostly agree. I doubt that most (if any) of our gaming groups have anyone with the necessary skills and knowledge to fix a zombie apocalypse (depending on the cause). But it might make for some interesting scenarios if in addition to surviving, the players have an idea what is causing the "plague" and devote time to trying to gather the resources (including finding and rescuing experts) who might be able to come up with a solution.
Just call in an Exterminatus, zombies are gone for sure.
Ahh, Warhammer40k
Warp virus, good luck getting rid of that.
There was an article in white dwarf about how you could get zombies in 40k. Every faction got in on the fun.
Possible causes ranged from: "chaos did it" to "a mysterious Eldar device, normaly used to restore dead planets to life"
Warp virus, good luck getting rid of that.
Why get rid of the virus? convert to Nurgle and all your worries will be over.
Come to papa!