Some rules questions

By Gilgafresh, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

If something can move that is not already activated then why would it not be able to move via the tactical move action

You mean the transfer action?

Basically it would be because the rules that allow it to move say it can be moved with a tactical action, but don't explicitly mention the transfer action and we are not sure if that omission is intentional or and accident due to how rarely the transfer action actually gets used. That's why I was asking about the specific wording of both actions and the space docks rules.

If you in fact DID mean the tactical action, um... Nothing, no one is suggesting that they can't be moved with a tactical action.

New question! I think I know the answer but one of my players wanted me to ask:

Do ships with gravity drives get the movement benefit from being in a wormhole?

I think not, because IIRC wormhole systems are only adjacent to one another for the purposes of movement. The other argument which came up in my group was "it's in a wormhole, so it's adjacent to another wormhole, so it get the gravity drive +1 movement".

Any insight on this?

This is answered in the FAQ:

Q: Does a ship in a Wormhole system or the Gravity Rift
receive the +1 movement bonus from Gravity Drive?
A: A ship in a Wormhole system receives the bonus if there is
another Wormhole connecting to it. A ship in a Gravity Rift
does not receive the bonus unless that system is adjacent to a
system containing another Gravity Rift or a Wormhole.

I am new to the game and saw a question about the pass and actions for a turn. This one we are arguing about what it means to pass. As there are many actions to be taken in a turn-of course you cannot pass until you have done your strategy card-once a person has passed-say they pass after their strategy card, does this mean they will not be able to do anymore actions at all? Has a person basically passed on all the other actions as well and can no longer partake in the round until everyone else is ready to move on to the status phase?

This is a correct interpretation. Once you've passed (wether by choice or by lack of other possibilities) you may not take any more active actions until the next round. You may, however, still take part in any secondaries of the other players' Strategy Cards. This is what makes the Yssaril Skip ability so powerful even if it may not be used two turns in a row.