Age of Rebellion Form-fillable PDF based on Caied's EotE version

By grungydan, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

All credit is due to Caied. Seriously, he's the one that did all the real work. All I did was bust out Acrobat and do some copy-paste and some realignment.

Find Caied's original EotE fillable sheet here:

No guarantees this works with your choice of reader, disclaimer disclaimer etcetera.

New link, has EotE and AoR sheets.


Edited by grungydan

Nice! Thanks for putting this together.

I noticed the "Warfare" Knowledge skill doesn't show any dice pools.

Awesome! Thanks!

Thanks for the heads up. I managed to figure out what I left out, and updated the sheets. Warfare should function properly now!

Links are not working, Anyone else have problems?


This was an updated links post. Please see links in the top level post for the most recent version of the sheets.


Edited by grungydan

Thank you

NO, really. These are awesome. I was just wishing for an Age of Rebellion version of that Edge of the Empire sheet. I could this as a wish full-filled.

Next up: the lottery.

Thanks for the kind words, all. I'm glad you're enjoying them.

First this is awesome! But I am only able to same the form as a blank copy. It will not let me add text and then save that. Is that supposed to be correct?

That's a limitation of Adobe software, not this sheet unfortunately. Reader won't let you save a filled form. You need Acrobat to do that.

First this is awesome! But I am only able to same the form as a blank copy. It will not let me add text and then save that. Is that supposed to be correct?

That's a limitation of Adobe software, not this sheet unfortunately. Reader won't let you save a filled form. You need Acrobat to do that.

First this is awesome! But I am only able to same the form as a blank copy. It will not let me add text and then save that. Is that supposed to be correct?

Wrong. Reader can save form-fillable PDFs. Acrobat 9 had it as an extended permission that a creator could place on the PDF for Adobe's Reader to use. Acrobat 11 (and Reader 11) have it as a normal permission that is just part of forms. That's how the sheets work in my signature.

Sorry I'm just catching up with this.

Kallabecca, you rock! I never even thought about seeing if that was something I could do on the Acrobat side. I'm pretty new to Acrobat so I'm learning new crap as I go.

Updated the sheets to allow saving of your characters! Woohoo!

That's a limitation of Adobe software, not this sheet unfortunately. Reader won't let you save a filled form. You need Acrobat to do that.

First this is awesome! But I am only able to same the form as a blank copy. It will not let me add text and then save that. Is that supposed to be correct?

Wrong. Reader can save form-fillable PDFs. Acrobat 9 had it as an extended permission that a creator could place on the PDF for Adobe's Reader to use. Acrobat 11 (and Reader 11) have it as a normal permission that is just part of forms. That's how the sheets work in my signature.

Awesome Team Work! Thank you guys so much! Did you happen to see the newest version of Caied's EotE Fillable sheet? He added a third page that is very useful. What you think, time for an updated version on the AoR Fillable Sheet?

Thank you for your work on this - me and my group exclusively use PDFs for character sheets whenever possible, and this is perfect!

Now we just need a Force And Destiny one...


Great work, the sheet is wonderful!

however i got a little problem: if i open with a pdf-reader, while adding skill or characteristics, does'nt add dice simbol but "?" or other weird symbol.

If i open it in my browser goes wonderful and add dice as supposed to (but i can't save it so i need to print as a pdf to keep a copy)

i tried using pdf-xchange, foxit, evince and master pdf editor to test and all got same results (save from sumatra who can't fill a forms).

I tried using Adobe Acrobat and other free pdf-reader on kindle and android and can't fill the form (but this is probably a problem with android version of pdf reader)

I tried on Windows and Linux and i already have EoE fonts installed so i think is not OS related

also, on browser it works fine, with every browser i tried it (IE, chrome and edge on Windows; Chrome and FF on Linux)

some hints about how to solve? everyone else got this problem?

ty for help

and again good work with this sheet (it saved me a LOT of time :) )

Is anyone aware of any fillable PDF for NPC characters? Similar in form to what you see in rule book? I'm sorta trying to make a searchable index of NPC and vehicle stats for when my PC's do something off script and I need to improvise.

I've been doing it by hand in google docs ( example ) and it's rather tedious and not very pretty. I cut and paste out the ones I anticipate needing for that session, but would like something easier if anyone knows of anything.

EDIT: I found the EotE ones , but doesn't seem to be a specific AoR one that I can find.

Edited by Stethoscope Nunchucks

I desperately need the AoE form fillable sheet, but the links take me to a dropbox 404 error page. I have fillable sheets for EotE and FaD, but not AoE. I found the 4 page sheet that is usable with all the books, but I'd much rather have the individual sheet for each book. Could someone post a download link that works please?

Hey all. Sorry, haven't played in a long time, forgot this existed. :) Updated the OP with a new link.

Here are fillable sheets for EotE and AoR: