Need ideas for an extensive rebuild of Deathwatch

By DJSunhammer, in Deathwatch House Rules

So a while back I decided to create an all new set of house rules for Deathwatch. My focus was largely on creating a better Aptitudes system and applying it to Deathwatch classes and Chapters. That was a relatively simple task, but it didn't take long for me to start adding a ton of extra stuff. I've redone a large part of the armory to be shaped more like the 40k TT rules and added some of the iconic flavor text (Eternal Warrior and Rapid Fire, oh my!) I think I managed to make a decent, simplified Wounds system and fixed the old DH 2.0 Rate of Fire rules in a positive way. But that isn't what I need help with.

When I started to rebuilt the classes I realized that I couldn't just stop there. I had to rewrite the basic character creation rules entirely, including every Chapter of Space Marines. To make matters worse, I decided that I didn't want to use the old, awkward power armor histories. What I've started doing is adding a set of four unique power armor histories for each Chapter. This is what I need the most help with, I've finished a few of the Chapters but I'm already out of ideas for new power armor histories and I want to start play testing these rules soon. I want to finish all of the Chapters before I start.

Here is a link to the Chapters page. I really wish I knew how to link to the Google Docs folder containing all of the material I've written, but apparently Google Docs got redone into something new and absolutely terrible.

Here is a link to the Chapters page. I really wish I knew how to link to the Google Docs folder containing all of the material I've written, but apparently Google Docs got redone into something new and absolutely terrible.

Depending on your layout if using grid view on Google Drive you can right click on the containing folder, select share, get the link and change sharing permissions appropriately.

Yeah, I figured that out a few hours ago. For some reason there is now Google Drive and Google Docs where Drive is the old Docs and Docs is now something worthless.

Edit: An updated link to the entire project. The project is hardly finished. I still have a lot of rules for the different Chapters to write as well as modified rules for psychic powers and squad modes.


Edited by DJSunhammer