Demon Alien and News From Cosmic Con

By jasonfalcon, in Cosmic Encounter

How does one get a hold of the new Demon Alien? Is it a promo card? Or is it a card that is going to be released in a subsequent expansion: Cosmic Grail? What big news came from CosmicCon? I have not found a good source which states all the news from this convention since I was not able to attend.

Up! I want to know more information about Demon too.

Is Demon the same as the original Eon version?

It is a different version.

You have the power to Possess . As a main player, before allies are invited, you may use this power to take possession of the hand of any other player except your opponent. Place those cards facedown on this sheet. They are not part of your hand, but you may use cards from here as though they were in your hand. If a card played from this sheet would return to your hand after use, return it to its previous owner instead. At the end of the encounter, return any cards remaining on this sheet to their previous owner.

History: Hailing from deep within the core of a molten planet, a race of Demons was exiled from their original galaxy for unprincipled opportunism. Knowing their mere presence saps others’ will to win, they now seek Cosmic vengeance.

Wild: As a main player, before allies are invited, you may possess any one other player except your opponent in order to force that player to ally with you when it is his or her turn to do so. That player must send as many ships as possible, up to the number of ships you have in the encounter, but he or she is not required to abandon any colonies to do so.

Super: When using your power, you may draw six cards from the deck to possess instead of another player's hand. If a possessed card would return to your hand after use, it does so. At the end of the encounter, returnany remaining possessed cards to the top of the deck in any order.

This is fail! Yellow race and Red flare!


Edited by Erny

Assuming the alien or demon(particularly the demon) didnt start killing people. I think once the second snaptube vidmate person’s flesh was being feasted on others would notice.

Edited by adomanim