3 pips. Unless their jawas. In which case, UTINNI!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 base, 1silhuette, 1range.
You’d need a lot of upgrades to that power, and I think you’d need more pips to spend.
You get one Silhouette increase per Strength upgrade, but I believe that each one requires a pip, and you start at Sil 0. So, Sil 1 is just one Strength upgrade.
You get one range band increase per Range upgrade, and you start at Short. So, the first Range upgrade would get you to Medium, the second Range upgrade would get you to Long. And using each of these upgrades would require one pip each, for a total of two pips.
Then you need one pip to activate the base power.
By my math, you’d need a total of four pips to toss an enemy up to Long range and then let them fall, and to reliably get that without having to convert dark side pips, you’d need more than four dice — more like six or seven.
So, yeah — if you’re FR 6, or you’re FR 4 as a darksider who doesn’t mind spending both light and dark side points, then you can play Popcorn Time with your enemies, and squish them one at a time.
Of course, that Force Move can be resisted by the target, so if they successfully resist then you just spent those pips for no effect.