As listed on the table,
Basic Hp 5
Double Hp 4
Pike Hp 3
Shoto Hp 3
Training Hp 5
What I find as an error is that per the reading of the items descriptions on page 124 (starting with the Basic), it's states that " This lightsaber is a basic lightsaber hilt containing an unmodded Illum Crystal(see page 137). This crystal occupies two of the weapon's hard points." This is true to all the lightsabers listed here in their descriptions.
Now on page 137 in the description of the Illum crystal attachment, it states "Hard Points required: 1." I see this in conflict with the Lightsabers' description of the cost of the Illum crystals HP cost, also...
On page 125, Table 5-8 Lightsaber Hilts, it's clear shows the same Hard Points as listed above for the same Lightsabers with the base Illum Crystal added into it. Either Table 5-7 should have the Hard Points reduced by two each for the stated Illum crystals listed in their description or table 5-8 should have their HP's increased by two as they are missing the crystals.
So as it stands, I see possible misprints on page 137, Illum crystal should have HP requirement increase by one to two as to match up with the Lightsabers' descriptions, and then also the HP's on either Table 5-7 or Table 5-8 need their HPs increased or decreased to make sense based off of the items' descriptions.
Unless this is meant to be of course.