Double-Bladed Lightsabers

By snaykeeiyes, in General Discussion

I'm not sure if this has been discussed already, the search bar turned up nothing.

Doesn't it seem nigh impossible to make your own double bladed lightsaber from scratch if you have to pay for every attachment twice? I get that it needs to be more expensive, but do I really need to dump 36,000 credits on two sapith crystals for my lightsaber? 18,000 is already expensive; Now I have to pay for two of them, plus other attachments twice as well? It doesn't seem realistic for a setting where players aren't supposed to have a lot of money. Maybe make the hilt a bit more expensive and cut the cost of the second attachment by half, if not more.


Well, you do need a lot of the stuff twice, not just the hilt.

Personally, I think it's not so much about the price itself (7'000 or 15'000 or 18'000 credits) it's rather a (very subtle ;) ) "hint" to get the pricy parts through an adventure rather than going to your local jeweller. And then the GM can of course just rule that the the famous "Grillromk Sparkledarkle Gem" that you found is unique and suitable to power both ends of a double-bladed lightsaber.

yeah, that's what I figured. i'm not even sure i have a counter point. i forget that narrative pretty much overrules everything. lol. ****, you're good.

what i would've said is that, for example, for a superior, extended hilt lightsaber with a sapith crystal, you'd have to spend only about 25 ish thousand? I'd be spending close to 50 for the same thing? that just seems ludicrously high. I mean, i don't know too much about the EU or if they ever explained how double sabers work, but is it really just attaching two hilts together and that i mechanically have to buy two of them? or is it its own thing that doesn't require two of every part? it seems like the lightsaber engineers would've figured out how to make them without having to find two of every part. or maybe that's the reason we don't see everyone running around with one. the Jedi Order isn't made of credits. :P

I'm sure there's plenty of other things to be ranting about in the beta book, but this just recently caught my attention.

Edited by snaykeeiyes

Ok, So I did, some very in depth study.

And I have come up with this information from a very reliable source, Wookiepedia.

The double-bladed lightsaber —also called a Saberstaff , Lightsaber Lance , Doublesaber , Lightstaff , or the Sith lightsaber , was a specialized type of lightsaber that consisted of a single hilt with a beam emitter at both ends, resulting in a weapon that was wielded in a similar manner to a traditional quarterstaff.

So I reckon you would need the two crystals, but everything else, im not sure on cause I don't have the rule book.

I found that page that you're talking about. Later in that paragraph, they talk about how the orginal design, from the Old Republic era, was one emitter on each end, and in later years, they refined it to only one. but later they talk about it as if it's still just two blades stuck together. it's all very confusing. lol.

Are there specific rule that state what is required for the creation of a double bladed saber.

Also the same question for a long handled lightsaber. Although the image here doesnt quite seem to display the length of the handle, like the comics does.


Edited by whiteape1

Are there specific rule that state what is required for the creation of a double bladed saber.

Also the same question for a long handled lightsaber. Although the image here doesnt quite seem to display the length of the handle, like the comics does.

For creating a double-bladed lightsaber, you just need two matching crystals (so two Ilum, or two Dragite Gems) and the spare parts (600 credits worth), from there it's just put together with no checks or anything.

I'm not positive if you mean the picture you included is too long or too short. If it's too short, then you might be referring to a Lightsaber Pike Hilt, which is basically a Lightsaber staff with a long pole and a shorter blade; this is its own type of lightsaber and to make it you basically need 600 credits in spare parts and a single crystal. If the one in the picture is too long, then it'd probably be just a normal lightsaber with the Extended Hilt attachment.

Are there specific rule that state what is required for the creation of a double bladed saber.

Also the same question for a long handled lightsaber. Although the image here doesnt quite seem to display the length of the handle, like the comics does.


Darth Nihl is awesome.

I would not be surprised if we get a special rule for long-handle lightsaber in a source book. But if you just wanted your handle to be longer than usual, don't even worry about making up new rules, just reflavor a normal lightsaber and say that the hilt is longer.

Hello? Extended Hilt Attachment?

Yeha will,just go,with extended hilt attachment, but myself I like a little bit of flavour to do with the saber design. Like for the saber itself to be encased in bylark wood. A wood as strong as metal, and to have the braided looking effect.

I completely forgot about that attachment. Good call.

I have been playing Star Wars RPG's since first addition WEG, and in all that time I don't think I've ever had a character buy a light saber or crystal. It's all about the quest to find/make the thing.

On the bright side, if you have a really expensive double-bladed lightsaber you'll have a much better case for arguing that when an opponent disables/destroys (e.g., by spending 2 triumphs) your weapon it only disables one blade and not both (ala Obi-wan vs Darth Maul).

The beta clearly states that even if by lore the double bladed saber requires two crystals, for the game mechanic it uses only one. However everything else is double so each attachment costs twice as much.

The beta clearly states that even if by lore the double bladed saber requires two crystals, for the game mechanic it uses only one. However everything else is double so each attachment costs twice as much.

That's referring to keeping things even and making sure things don't get ridiculous. So for instance, you've got 2 crystals lodged into it, so you treat them the same. This means that when you're modding them, you don't have a chance of succeeding on one end and failing on the other, meaning one blade could have an extra rank in Vicious, while the other has extra Damage; it's just treated as a single crystal, so succeeding on modding them means succeeding on both.

If you'll notice in the third paragraph of the Double-Bladed Lightsaber text, it mentions that all attachments, even crystals, are double the cost, which means you do need an identical 2nd crystal.

Makes sense to me, since you're making a lightsaber that does a double-tap for 2 Advantage...


Thanks for that guys, sorry for jacking the thread.

Its been a pleasure talking, ecspecially with you DarthGM, I love the show.

I'm trying to get the math to match up and I am falling short. Can anyone shed some light on what I am missing?

The listed price in the Lightsaber table for a double-bladed lightsaber is 10,200.

However, if I am reading this right, to build a double-bladed lightsaber it costs 18,600 (600 for the hilt, and two 9,000 credit gems).

The other lighstabers listed in the table all match up with the cost to create them. What am I missing?

(I apologize if this is answered somewhere else, but I have been unable to find it.)


Am I seeing a Dark Elf with a lightsaber???? why why why???

When did Lucas or the EU fall to the dark side of the fans?

I have some suggestions for the EU



Edited by Yepesnopes

Nagai actually have gray or alabaster skin, Darth Nihl just happens to have black face paint or tattoos to make him look more sithy.

I'm trying to get the math to match up and I am falling short. Can anyone shed some light on what I am missing?

The listed price in the Lightsaber table for a double-bladed lightsaber is 10,200.

However, if I am reading this right, to build a double-bladed lightsaber it costs 18,600 (600 for the hilt, and two 9,000 credit gems).

The other lighstabers listed in the table all match up with the cost to create them. What am I missing?

(I apologize if this is answered somewhere else, but I have been unable to find it.)

The math doesn't add up, and thus far FFG has shown no interest in changing it. They did change the Training Emitter price in the book so that it plus a basic hilt would have the same cost as a training lightsaber, but that's generally it.

What is making you guys think you need 2 crystals? Going of the listed price to me implies a single crystal.

Darth Nihl is cool, and compared to some other members of Krayt's Sith, looks rather cool, too. I don't want to criticize Darth Talon to much, because she is also rather cool, but she often mostly seemed to be there for a Darth Maul analogue, with the body-covering tattoos, two sabers, and all, and to give us our "hot evil *****" fix, since she wears just enough to let us know everything is tattooed, and is one of those weird yet mandatory not nightmare troll-looking Twilek females, even though Oola and Fortuna, and honestly even most Twileks in material who weren't limited by make-up effects restrictions show me that Twileks are rather hideous, especially with Zeltrons, Falleen, and other better looking aliens to see. Still, for the most part, I liked Krayt's group; Talon was very good at her job, even if Hand was also a bit of a laugh-title for me, Nihl was good, and also smarter than I thought, since I believe he was also an officer in the military, and so had good troop-coordinating skills. Two separate, yet annoyingly similar Quarren Sith were a bit much, but Wyyrlok was my let down. Glad that all got finished before the EU got murdered for a movie I'm not sure I still want.

On DB sabers, my memory has the original not being two sabers in one; Exar Kun didn't fabricate it to be three feet long, and the second emitter was often a surprise to the Jedi he fought, coupled with the variable-intensity blades he did invent. Later models, like Maul's, were two, and could come apart, though I like to believe that it was added post, to explain how his saber got aced, and still worked. That's just me. I almost feel that, if the DB saber can't mix and match crystals, you almost shouldn't need two.

Added useless note: if you are playing a Jedi, you should suspect anyone with a DB saber. I won't say they weren't allowed, because someone will list off past Jedi who wielded one, but they were frowned upon, and much more common among the Sith. A DB saber is more offensive-oriented, and makes the bearer appear to be anticipating combat, something a Jedi should always strive to avoid. Some object to Jedi carrying any weapons, at all, but the universe is a dangerous place. For every Zaz Kai-El, Bastilla Shan and descendants, and a few others, there are numerous Jedi who would look at the weapon as unnecessary, wasteful of resources, and suggestive of a reliance on "aggressive negotiations" inappropriate of a Jedi; even dual-wielding single sabers is often not popular as, again, you might appear to be focusing and relying too much on combat skill, rather than diplomatic skill necessary to circumvent needing to fight. Mace Windu is famous as among the greatest lightsaber-wielders there are, but he is also known for negotiating hostilities without even needing to use it, and not JUST because they all know how well he can use it.

Okay, I'm done belly-aching now. Whole chunks of what I just prattled probably aren't canon, now (I feel KOTOR is up in the air) so I wonder if all those "Darth Maul invented the DB saber" prats are now right, or if Exar Kun, and his studies of even older crap still get the credit. Other old stuff, too, might now be out, but it's what was, and what mostly made sense to me, then. Still think you shouldn't have to pay two crystals worth if the lightsaber can't separate, especially if you can't even meta-game by cheese-stacking crystals for unforeseen situations.

Edited by venkelos

F&D p124: "Although technically this weapon contains two lightsaber crystals (one for each blade), for the purposes of gameplay this weapon is treated as having a single crystal. As such, this lightsaber is a double-bladed lightsaber hilt containing an unmodded Ilum lightsaber crystal (see page 137). This crystal occupies two of the weapon’s hard points."

The hilt itself must be considered an "attachment" since the base price of 10,200 is equal to 1 Ilum crystal for 9000 plus 2 Double-bladed Lightsaber Hilts at 600 each.
Edited by Alatar1313

The hilt itself must be considered an "attachment" since the base price of 10,200 is equal to 1 Ilum crystal for 9000 plus 2 Double-bladed Lightsaber Hilts at 600 each.

Hmm... you're right. That is one place the extra 600 could come from. (Although that seems a tad odd).

To me, having to use two crystals makes double-bladed lightsabers extremely expensive for essentially only giving you the Linked 1 quality. That is a powerful quality and should be more expensive, but 9,000 credits (for the most basic of crystal) seems a bit extreme.