hi i just wanted to ask, how does this works, at the end of lightning attack you can read this (page 222):
''If the character is armed with two weapons, and has the appropriate talents, he may make a secondary attack with his other weapon as part of this action.''
so, that means, i can make two lightning attacks with only half action, or i must make 2 half actions to make one attack with both weapons?, and how does evade works here, can you evade both attacks??
example: an heretic attack with two weapon wielder with lightning attack to our acolite, the heretic gets 2 degrees of success and 3 degrees of success in the second attack, so our acolite recieve 5 impacts, our acolite take his reaction and use evade scoring 5 degrees of success, this means, that our acolite managed to evade the 5 impacts?, or because they are with different weapons he must choose before rolling which attack he want to evade?
Edited by jack_px