A new players question/check about Necronomicon vs elite hit squad

By Jedi duo, in CoC Rules Discussion

I think I'm playing this right but just wanted to check.

It is my opponents turn, he has (among others) The Elite Squad with Alhazred Lamp. He assigns this to a story, I then use the Necronomicon to take control of Elite Hit Squad.

Because I now control him, am I right in thinking that he has to uncommit from the story as the card reads "Elite Hit Squad cannot commit to stories during your opponents turn"



It's even better: 'Elite Hit Squad' stays committed, but now it's on your side!

From the FAQ (1.13 Gaining Control):

Any time a player gains control of a committed character during a story, that character stays committed to the story but switches to its new controller’s side.

The text on 'Elite Hit Squad' has no effect in this situation since it only applies to regular committment. You are not actually committing it; it stays committed; it just switches sides.

Edited by jhaelen

Many thanks

I did scan the FAQ but managed to somehow miss that :(