First time Deathwatch player and I've been playing a stealth based character in a game that a friend is running. Wolf scout wearing scout armor and just overall focusing on getting my concealment as high as possible while also using stalker rounds and the right pattern pistol to make my shots impossible to hear. While we're still low levels and it hasn't come into play much yet, at the end of our last session when I was considering how to spend some newly gained xp we started debating on when exactly I would be getting the +30 vs unaware targets.
Most of the games I'm used to when it comes to questions like this is a simple matter of checking to see if their perception/spot/notice/what-have-you beats your attempt at sneaking. If not then for the most part they'd be vulnerable to your sneak attack or in this case count as unaware. However, for this game my Game Master is of the opinion that once they know they are under attack, even if they don't have a clue who or what or from where it is coming from then they are no longer aware. As it stands if I wanted to say try and sneak around during a firefight between some enemies and my squad to try and catch a few of them off guard then I wouldn't get the +30 after the first attack, if the enemies heard the IMPACT of my shot, or saw one of their comrades go down as a result of my stealthy flanking. While it's true that seeing the guy hunched down next to you behind cover getting his head blown off would likely make you worried, in my mind it wouldn't make them instantly aware of my personal presence or make them now try and defend against my attacks.
Basically is the unaware modifier intended to be applied when the person you are attacking is unaware of your presence i.e. failed their perception against my concealment. Or is it only meant to be applied when the enemy is entirely oblivious to the threat of attack from anywhere at all i.e. at the very start of an ambush. If the first is true then would it be safe to say that I could attack a target and move around to keep attacking targets with the +30 unaware bonus so long as my concealment continues to beat their perception? If the second is true then what suggestions would you have for getting more out of my current and fairly significant investment into playing a sneaky scout type?