Play by post?

By Frosty71, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

"obviously, the more time we waste here. The less time it will take for Lans to return. Factually, we need to decide a course of action, now. Truthfully, I suggest we lie in wait to ambush Lans guard, he will likely be the most difficult to deal with."

"You are right." I knock out the servant, so I can be sure he will not alarm anyone and take my manacle. I guess I will need them soon. Then I draw my shock maul. "Let's get in position near the main entrance. Lans should be far enough inside the house to block the door as an exit, before we attack. Let us hurry up and check the location."

I walk up the stairs, looking for servants. If I see them, I order them to come to me.

Sorry...triple post....somehow^^

Edited by Ripplo

Sorry...triple post....somehow^^

Edited by Ripplo

You emerge in a grande hall with numerous doors and an elegant staircase leading to the second floor. There are presently no servants in this area, but you can hear that one of the doors leads to a servant who is making a lot of clashing noises (+10 Awareness test to identify what makes that noise. Following up on a successful Awareness test, you can make a +20 Logic test to determine what that room would be used for.) If you were to look out a window, you would see Lans' body guard walking up the street, giving you about a minute or two to prepare.

Some of you may find the layout I am using for the mansion slightly familiar :P


"Hurry in position. Remember we need them alive. May the Emporer bless our actions!"

I assume, that the door up the stairs is the main entrance? I then would position myself a few meters down the right staircase and try to hide. The shockmaul rests ready in my hand.

I rolled, 15 on the awareness test, but a 69 on logic (which I don't have)...

Mhos is a little taken aback at the large opulence of the place, generally areas so large are for holding practical machinery or devotional material for the Omnisiah.

((Rolling Awareness base 37 +10. Rolled 26, Finally! 3 DoS. Realized i've been doing DoS wrong for a while in 2nd ed as well. So I identify the sound. Now for finding the area Logic +20 with Int 27. Rolled 27 Whoohoo I'm on a roll!. 3 DoS again.))

Mhos understands the best bet for personally taking out the guard is to be nearest to the door, so he stands by the entrance against the wall and readies himself to disarm or simply fight the guard.

"Factly, The clashing noise is ((To be given)), it is coming from ((To be given)). Unsure I leave it to you to deal with this or let it muffle the sounds of our preparations."

Edited by ThenDoctor

Maybe I should have included a map, so here's a map of the first floor of the mansion. If you look to the southern edge in the center is a room with a lot of stairs. That's where you guys are. The entrance door is on the south wall opposite the staircase. The staircase itself is pictured in my post above. The camera is from the point of view of the doorway, so it would be what the body guard sees as he walks in. The clashing sounds are coming from the door on the west wall. Just FYI, I am using the manse from the first Resident Evil game (the Gamecube remake rendition, to be exact), therefor most of those hallways and areas can be ignored, especially as they get further and further away from where you are now.

The sound is that of dishes and silver ware being set on a table. There is some conversation going on which appears to be a discussion on the peculiar orb that Lans has purchased at some point. ThenDoctor's character, Mhos, would figure that the room must be a dining room, probably large enough for a banquet.


Emerging from the stairwell, Caradoc pauses a moment taking in the grandeur of the atrium. "It reminds me a bit of home." he admits. Shaking off his momentary sentimentality, the rogue prepares for the coming engagement.

Caradoc crouches behind a column and removes his two autopistols from their holsters. His weapons at the ready, he watches the door intently.

"I know we want Lans alive, but what of the bodyguard? My armaments are not particularly conducive to the non-lethal approach."

((Is there any way you could mark the map? I'm not sure I understand unfortunately sorry.))

Microsoft Paint to the rescue!!!


Ok. I will then reverse my position. I marked it on the map using paint.


"The guard might be important, too. The servant gave testified that the bodyguard is aranging the deals. Try to aim for legs or arms. And try to stay hidden until they passed my position, so we can cut them off from the front door."

Edited by Ripplo

Acknowledging Ferro's command, Caradoc moves opposite the arbitrator and conceals himself from view from the door.

"Aim eh?" Caradoc flicks the selectors of his autopistols to single fire.

"So will we demand their surrender or simply attack once they're a bit beyond the threshold?"

((Thanks very very much))

Mhos is standing in essentially the same place as Ferro on the opposite side. He cracks his neck feeling the readying buzz of his capacitors.

"We demand them to surrender, if they resist we will overwhelm them. May the Emporer protect!"


This is getting quite everyone still on board?

I do not want to criticize anyone, I am just wondering.

Edited by Ripplo

I've been waiting to see what the other two players are going to do, but it's looking like they aren't coming back. Let's just move on with the scene.

The front door of the manse opens and the body guard steps through by himself. He rolls a -10 Awareness check, getting a 51 and his target number was 38. He fails to notice anybody at all. The guard, wearing a form of combat armour, continues towards the stair case as he casually observes the building.

((I'll let the arbite demand surrender))

When our targets have passed us, I walk in behind them to block the door. My shock maul raised in my right hand, my left pointing towards both of them, getting close enough to charge them, if necessary. While doing that I speak to them in a loud and as intimidating as possible voice.

"Lans Guljian surrender yourself in the name of the Emporer. Lie both down on the ground immediately or we will open fire!"


I roll an intimidation test. Str 40 rolled 39...I spend one fate point to gain at least one DoS.

Yes, a short statement of the others would be nice.

(Maybe I misunderstood, but I don't think Lans was with the bodyguard. My post is based on this assumption.)

As the Arbitrator cut off the bodyguard's escape, Caradoc reveals himself and levels his autopistols at the man. "Your master, Lans! Where is he?"

Yes, you are right...I totally misread the post... :huh:

When I step in behind him, is the door still open and Lans might follow?

It would appear that Lans is nowhere to be seen and that the door was closed by the guard as he entered. The body guard is mysteriously alone at the present, perhaps doing rounds of the building? He turns to face the source of the voice and draws a sizable handgun from its holster. You can see a degree of hesitation and confusion causing him to forget his training on account of the intimidation check.

"What is this? Trespassers? I serve the Emperor, why should I believe that you do the same? All I see before me are burglars seeking to kidnap my charge."

"Surrender immediately! You are under suspicion of illegal xeno artifact trade, conspiracy with the xeno and heresy. Drop your weapons on the ground and lie down or you will be shot! This is your only warning!” I point towards my colleagues flanking him and step in closer to arrest him. Should he raise his gun towards me, I want to charge him.


Shall I roll an intimidation test again?

((I'd like to assist))

Mhos steps forward, "Angered, your master is also under suspicion of the Adeptus Mechanicus for failures to the various machine spirits that inhabit this manse."

Caradoc trains his autopistols on their quarry, "By the Emperor's name, you will surrender yourself to our custody willingly, or you will be smitten where you stand." He smiles to himself, confident that he played his part properly.

"My loyalty to my master is as fierce as your loyalty to the Emperor." He levels his handgun at Caradoc (Kylie). It looks something like an ancient Desert Eagle. The guard is at 8 on his initiative right now.


So in real life I am a month into a new job and training for a second one. That's why my posts are so sporadic lately. Got to love post-college financial woes, eh? I'm trying to respond to you guys on my down time.