Relic Blade and Terminators

By Soloman, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Just a quick question. Can Terminators use Relic Blades one handed? They seem to use a lot of other things one handed, and I can't think of any instances of a Terminator using a 2 handed weapon. (Probably can't get his arms together). Is there an actual rule for this or are people house-ruling? Thanks

Based on the wiki and minatures (not any FF RPG rules) Logan Grimnar (who wears terminator armor) wields the axe morkai wich the wiki classifies as a relic blade.

So i'd say terminators can one hand wield relic blades.

It is spelled out on page 164 of the Core Rulebook.

"Weapons typically available with the right couplings for Terminator armour are limited... ...Its [The terminator armor's] weapons must come from the list below."

"Terminator-Compatible Weapons: Any combi-weapon, Power Weapon or Force Weapon, Storm Bolter, Storm Shield, Heavy Flamer, Assault Cannon, Cyclone Missile Launcher."

A Relic Blade is a Power Weapon. There is no listed limitation on one vs. two handed weapons. Even terminators have to reload, which would be impossible if they could not bring their hands together.

There is also no rules allowing Terminators to use two handers as one handers, so they will use two handed weapons exactly like everyone else. With two hands.

Just got an email back from the chaps at FFG on this, in case anyone is interested..


While it is not specifically stated that Terminator armour allows a Space Marine to wield a two-handed melee weapon with one hand (and thunder hammers do not require two hands to use in any case), it is perfectly reasonable for a Space Marine in terminator armour to use a Relic Blade in a single hand.
Thanks for your question,

Even in TT, there are minis holding two Thunder Hammers, all Terminators use TH one-handed. Also, as I understand Relic Blade is a generalisation of extremely powerful, exceptionally crafted and rare power weapon. It can be sword, axe, spear, anything.

Edited by Aedwynn

Of course terminators use thunderhammers one handed.

All Astartes Thunder Hammers are one handed weapons all the time.

Of course terminators use thunderhammers one handed.

All Astartes Thunder Hammers are one handed weapons all the time.

There was a thread a while back about whether this should be a rule. As such some GMs house rule that has power armoured marines wielding thunderhammers two handed and terminators one handed.

The previous poster was probably eluding to this, in the sense that if the house rule of two handed thunder hammers for Power Armour is used then presumably one handed relic blades for Termiantors is used.

Personally I think a terminator wielding a relic blade two handed probably looks cooler, but yeah it should likely be one handed fluff wise.

There is no official background to support terminators using any 2 handed weapons as 1 handers.

Even using the table top as a guide, all thunderhammers are 1 handed weapons. Blood Angel Death Company marines for instance can each carry two.

This forum section is intended for official rules questions. If you want to use a house rule that's your perogative, but if you want to discuss house rules please do so in the house rules section.

Well if you want to get all technical about official rules, rule zero gives the GM prerogative to amend the rules, so I think the discussion is still on topic and very much talking about 'official ruler's (also noting FFG clarification).

The GM's perogative should always consider the intent of the setting, and the intent of officially published rules. This is what this forum section is for. In that intent, it is best not to muddy the waters with house rules or suggest that house rules should be taken as official rules.