Request of Devs: Creature Silhouettes

By Scalding, in General Discussion

Very few creatures list their silhouette sizes. Some do in the "abilities" section of the creature description, but most do not, even ones that are unlikely to be Silhouette 1.

Since the Animal Bond is tied to Silhouette, this attribute changes from "nice to know (if you want to try moving it with the Force)" to "need to know".

Also, with the upcoming AOR book, Stay on Target , creatures will be used as mounts, and it is likely weapons will be involved at some point. If creatures are intended to be used in more-or-less the same way as vehicles, and follow the vehicle combat roles, it will be necessary to know their Silhouette.

Since much material has been published that includes some creatures, it may be better to have a note about how to determine Silhouettes for existing creatures. If the rules are "good enough" (is that a thing?) this may obviate the need for Silhouette in creature stat blocks.

Table 6-6 is simply too vague to be really useful. Some small things like speeder bikes are Silhouette 2 while large things like a fully grown Wookiee are Silhouette 1.

For example, the Stalking Acklay (p. 233) is 3 meters tall. I think that's not much bigger than a fully grown Wookiee. So is the Acklay Silhouette 1 or 2? Maybe it's much larger than its height suggests, since it's a six-legged beast. Maybe it's even Silhouette 3, the size of a small fighter spacecraft!

I have no idea, but as a player and GM I need to know.

Like many others, my first RPG experience was in D&D. So I draw many comparisons to high fantasy. I like to think of Silhouette 0 as "Dwarf" sized or smaller. Silhouette 2 would be the size of a horse or cow.

This might be something the GM should be aware of when having a Pathfinder in their party.

The acklay from Attack of the Clones, I would okay with calling that silhouette 3.

I agree with this suggestion--I think that if 1 is the default, then it would be great to include in the stat block if a creature is a different silhouette than 1.

Edited by progressions

Ain't perfect, but you can use the chart on page 225 (for AoR), to get a vague outline of the silhouette of something based on what's listed.

Having played a Pathfinder, I couldn't agree more... Silhouettes would be handy

Ain't perfect, but you can use the chart on page 225 (for AoR), to get a vague outline of the silhouette of something based on what's listed.

That's the same table (different book) as the one I referred to. It used to be sufficient, but I feel in this case there's way too much wiggle room.

Making up a pathfinder character at the moment, I agree this is needed. There are a number of "beasts" across various sources at this point, with a widely varying set of stats and abilities. I agree that F&D should explicitly call out silhouette for creatures in this book (or have an explicit note that any creature without one is silhouette 1), and either concrete rules to determine silhouette for creatures in other books or a table of silhouettes for them.

Alternatively, the Animal Bond talent should have a list of appropriate/balanced creatures to act as a companion, with a note that GMs are free to allow other creatures if they consider them suitable.