New Designer Diary

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Speaking for Rogue Traders again, there's a female rogue trader that goes to Desolum fairly often to speak with the Lady Desolum about her adventures throughout the sector and look around the xenos ruins of the city.

I feel that she might have a deeper relationship with Lady Desolum than described as well, but that might be my own gears spinning in their place.

Hey all, there was a mistake in the diary; Andy said Dread Madrigal but meant Dread Mandragora. The article has been corrected.


Hey all, there was a mistake in the diary; Andy said Dread Madrigal but meant Dread Mandragora. The article has been corrected.


Did you guys ever write up much on Mandragora? or was it just a scary name you wanted readers to think up things for themselves?

Hey all, there was a mistake in the diary; Andy said Dread Madrigal but meant Dread Mandragora. The article has been corrected.

Baron will be so relieved. :D


My group is finishing up with the starting mission. Their inquisitor is ordos heretecus.

I think I will have then track down who is responsible for making the bound daemon. The psyker used to bind the daemon was an acoylte assumed dead. And it may branch out too investigating another inquisitor for going to far...

Edited by Melil13

Hey all, there was a mistake in the diary; Andy said Dread Madrigal but meant Dread Mandragora. The article has been corrected.


Did you guys ever write up much on Mandragora? or was it just a scary name you wanted readers to think up things for themselves?

I can't get into any specifics about things, but we generally have lots more stuff done to create the basis for what is put into print. Some of it is just to provide the anchor and won't ever see light of day; other things may still come. Even if we have lots done up about something, though, ideally everyone is thinking up things for themselves! Hopefully there are countless versions of Mandragora out there now, for example, each different but all giving the players who created them a lot of fun in their games.


Hey all, there was a mistake in the diary; Andy said Dread Madrigal but meant Dread Mandragora. The article has been corrected.


Did you guys ever write up much on Mandragora? or was it just a scary name you wanted readers to think up things for themselves?

There's not much been written on Mandragora in FFG materials. I do believe there have been some references to the sector in some of the Black Library novels, and that it might be something deliberately left vague.

-=Brother Praetus=-