A helping Hand.

By Mekanitz, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

I am trying to devise a small Handout for DMs. One of my players is trying to start a DH game and is having a hard time with the whole "GrimDark" thing. He is normally a proficient DM with the whole story thing... But 40k is a little trickier for him. Anyway, I will start with my Brainstormer path and maybe youse guys could help out with your own thoughts.

Fisrt, the Heart of the party... What is your Inquisitor? Ordos, radical or Puritan? This is an important, if not the most important question to ask, as this will steer the entire game.

Who will be the Enemy? and by this I mean the Real enemy behind the entire adventure/campaign. This should affect the game's tone as well as its goal. Chaos seeks to do x. Xenos try to do x.

What other good questions should be asked?

Who are your Acolytes. This will really also determin alot I don't start really planing a good overall arc until I know who the caharcters are going to be. For Dark Hersy or any game. And although in part I am refering to archtypes or 'career paths' I also mean the actual characters themselves, if you know something about who the acyolytes are both occupational but more importantly 'morally' or personality-wise, are they willful, perfect soliders, rebles, scum with hearts of gold, black hearted golden boys ect. Knowing who they are you'll know why their Inquisitor chose them, and then you can pepper your game to suit them both in a character devolopmental fashion but also their roles and skills. For me that's the most important aspect, all the games I've enjoyed playing in and running were the ones in which attention was paid to the individual character beyond the depth of Dwarf, Fighter, Mage, Thief ect.