Stone Domains, Tokens, and Traveller of Aeons on eBay!

By Darke, in CoC Trade Forum

I've listed one of Chick Lewis's custom made Agency Stone Domains on eBay. For those of you who are not aware, Fantasy Flight Games produced 5 of the 7 faction Stone Domains as Sanity Point redemption prizes, but did not get around to making the Agency or Yog-Sothoth Stone Domains. Chick Lewis went ahead and made a set of custom Stone Domains for the Agency and Yog-Sothoth. These are pretty nice collector's items!

I've also listed some custom made CoC faction tokens. These are not the faction tokens that were originally available as Sanity Point redemption prizes.

I've also listed a Traveller of Aeons for sale. This is one of the rarest cards in the game, as it is the "rare" card from the Yithian Deck.

Holy flippen' shoggoths! I have never seen a Travelor of Aeons sell for that much on eBay. EVER!

I remember seeing one just the other month go for barely $10 US.