Questions Starting to learn

By JohnClark, in A Game of Thrones LCG

Im starting to get the hang of the Game of thrones card game but still have questions.

When do you play condition cards if they dont say when, can you play them on anyone and when? and how long do they last if they dont say?

There are cards that you can attach to your house card what does this do?

Unless stated otherwise, Attachments (Conditions are Attachments) are played during the Marshalling Phase.

Unless stated otherwise, you may attach them to ANY character or location.

Unless stated otherwise, they stay on the card they are attached to indefinitely.

The "Chambers" cards may be either played as a Location or as an Attachment (you choose). If you think your opponent has a card that discards locations, play them as Attachments -- and if you think he has cards that discard Attachments, play them as Locations.

This is more about the rules not the cards. Just need clarifying.

When challenging if i attack with sansa stark with intrigue and opponent defends against it. (Do they have to defend with a person with that intrigue icon? Or can they defend with anyone?) If they dont have an intrigue icon at all on their charcters can i still challenge?

Now after im done attack and its their turn and want to attack can i use my already kneeling charcters to defend against attack?

I hope i explain this clearly enough, Please use examples when explaining this (Core Set)

Anyone who views this please respond even if someone does case they missed anything Again Thank you to all that reply

Unless stated otherwise, you may attach them to ANY character or location.

Actually, not true. Unless stated otherwise, you may attach them to any character (not location). Locations have to be specifically stated.

When challenging if i attack with sansa stark with intrigue and opponent defends against it. (Do they have to defend with a person with that intrigue icon? Or can they defend with anyone?) If they dont have an intrigue icon at all on their charcters can i still challenge?

They can choose to defend the challenge, but (unless a card says otherwise) they can only defend it with characters with intrigue icons themselves. If they have no intrigue icons at all, you'll challenge and, in addition to winning you'll get an 'unopposed' bonus (1 power) for a challenge that was not opposed.

Now after im done attack and its their turn and want to attack can i use my already kneeling charcters to defend against attack?

Not unless the card says so. In order to participate in a challenge, either as an attacker or a defender, you typically have to kneel the character with the correct icon. The exceptions are clearly marked on the card (like Yoren), but none in the core set.

This is all spelled out in the Rulebook -- please take the time to read it again.

Page 14:

Step 2: Declare defenders
The opponent you are challenging now has the
option to kneel any number of his or her characters
that have the corresponding challenge icon
(or are enabled to participate by some card effect)
to defend against your challenge. Already kneeling
characters may not be declared as defenders.
Your opponent must declare at least 1 defending
character in order to be considered defending
against a challenge.

Characters without an the appropriate icon cannot defend that type of challenge (unless a card specifically says they can).

You certainly can (and should) attack your opponent when they cannot defend a challenge!

Already kneeling characters cannot defend (unless a card specifically says they can).

Well, all of your questions are really answered by the rules:

Q1. Does a character need to have an intrigue icon in order to defend against an intrigue challenge, or can the defend with anyone?

A1: Yes, the character must have the intrigue icon. Any character that a player wants to declare as a defender in a challenge must have the challenge icon for that challenge. (Rule Book, p. 14: "The opponent you are challenging now has the option to kneel any number of his or her characters that have the corresponding challenge icon (or are enabled to participate by some card effect) to defend against your challenge.")

Q2: Does a player have to have characters with the icon for the challenge type in order for me to challenge them in the first place?

A2: No. You can attack anyone, whether they have characters that can be declared as defenders or not. Nowhere in the rules will you find something that limits a player's ability to attack based on another player's ability to defend.

Q3: Can I defend with a character that is already kneeling?

A3: No. Characters must be standing to be declared as a defender. Characters must be both standing and have the appropriate challenge icon to be eligible as defenders in a challenge. (Rule Book, p. 14: "Already kneeling characters may not be declared as defenders.")

NOTE: There is a sentence on p. 14 of the rule book that confuses a lot of people. It reads, "Your opponent must declare at least 1 defending character in order to be considered defending against a challenge." This statement is there to remind players that there is a consequence to not declaring defenders (the bonus power to the attacker for winning a challenge "unopposed"). But it does not contradict the fact that the defender is given the option to declare any number (including 0) of their eligible characters as defenders. Further, this statement does not limit the attacker to picking defenders that have the option to defend; if it did, it would also give the defender the option to completely negate the challenge by not declaring any of their eligible defenders, and in Westeros, the advantage tends to be with the aggressor.

Also note that the above answers are the basic, general answers. Different card effects can always exist that say Player A cannot attack Player B, or that a character without the icon or that is kneeling can be declared as a defender. Just know that a card must specifically say that something other than the above answers is true before you do something else.

So to summarize the issue:

1. Attacking players don't need to choose opponents who have the ability to declare defenders; they can go after anyone.

2. Defending players can only declare characters who are both standing and have the appropriate icon as defenders.

3. Even if the defending player has eligible defending characters (i.e., standing and with the icon), they can choose to declare no defenders at all. They'll probably lose the challenge and the attacker will get the "unopposed" bonus, but they can choose not to defend.

I'm not sure that these rules will be made any clearer by naming cards with and without the intrigue icon?