Gift of the Ethereals

By BuzzsawMF, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Sweet Emperor! That ability appears to break a fundamental part of the game! I LOVE it! Wow...All of my Tau units gain armorbane at that planet? Are you kidding me?

When does this set come out, again? :wub:

When does this set come out, again? :wub:

December if release schedule is truly as aggressive as presented.

Hmm, personally I think the jury is still out on this one. Until we see what these other "new and upcoming" cards are that are triggered by ethereal, his signature squad actually looks rather underpowered. Getting a round worth of armor bane is HILARIOUSLY unfair, especially when paired with our army unit character (which gives us a complete attrition advantage). This makes me feel like AunShi is a warlord hunter, hit hard and fast. If it went well, both Aun Shi and the opponents warlord depart, if it went poorly well you're high tailing it out of the area anyway.

If they gave us a few more spoiler cards that actually were triggered by Ethereal I'd be more apt to say it's competitive more than just fun. At this point though, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Aun'Shi plus StingWing Swarm is reason enough for me to run him. Range combat step kills - not kill possibilities. That's strong.

Man I cant wait for the game to start rolling out so every month we get new goodies like these

I was 100% going DE at first, but once this new Tau warlord hits my collection I might have to give Tau a spin.

WHK04-box-front.png WHK04-fan.png aunshi.png ethereal-envoy.png aunshis-sanctum.png honor-blade.png ethereal-wisdom.png