12: ALL attacks CAN miss. 96+ = FAIL.
Stupid question, but where is that stated in the rules?
12: ALL attacks CAN miss. 96+ = FAIL.
Stupid question, but where is that stated in the rules?
13: The likelihood of any daemon being summoned into an open area 700+ meters away from a character munchkined specifically to beat him is absurd. Engineering situations where you will obviously win (such as saying the character won't simply fly away) does not make for an appropriate consideration of a situation. In each of these cases the marine has EVERY advantage available (and some not available), the daemon is put in the most disadvantaged of positions. It is only fair to consider it the other way around, with the daemon having all the advantages and the marine having none.
I can't really answer your first points, as I said I haven't been verifying the crunch aspect to this discussion with my rule books.
However with regard to 13:- In fairness to Dr Quinn he has been giving builds in relation to my opening post which made the assumption that:
a) The Bloodthirster would win regardless (hence why the circumstances are stacked in the marines favour)
b) It is acknowledged that the scenario is absurd in terms of an actual RP scenario.
In the scenario you propose even I can work out the result.
To wit; x1 dead Space Marine.
2) Where are you getting that? The description of Hellfire (having already described dodging area effects): "The Librarian summons a torrent of psychic fire to burn and char his foes. He may pick a point within range and engulf it in a cloud of flame with a radius of 2 metres x PR. All those within the area will suffer 1d10 Energy damage x PR. In addition, all those within the area of effect must make Challenging (+0) Agility Tests or be set on fire (see page 260)." The only thing they make an agi test for is to avoid catching on fire. It's still an area of effect attack, so the normal dodge rules still apply, but as we already discussed, those are an automatic failure. I'm really not sure where you're coming from here.
4) Hrmm, I had not noticed that verbage (don't play a kill marine). Didn't make sense to me they wouldn't have access to their own chapter abilities, so tbh I had not even looked into it. Will do more research on this, I'll get back to you on that one.
5) That is not how I interpret the interaction of those talent's wordings. If you feel that this is the case, well, as I said, you are free to disagree! We both fully understand the verbage involved, so again, if you want to go after a rules clarification feel free, otherwise my interpretation remains that the character's Int bonus is 14 for the purpose of that effect. That's also not the definition of unmodified, btw.
9) Again, I'll have to get back to you on that. If that is indeed the case, I'll have to go back to the drawing board on that one.
12) Absolutely, I fully agree with that statement. However, as we covered initially, there is a probability of *any* space marine killing a bloodthirster. In fact, there is a probability, no matter how absurdly low, using these rules that a bloodthirster can be one shotted, with any weapon, from any range, by any space marine, with enough luck (bloodthirster doesn't miss, unending string of righteous fury rolls). Will that happen during a typical game, or likely, any game ever? Heck no. But the point is, we have no way of accurately discussing what happens in a given situation, outside of the context of that situation itself. So, as posited originally, this isn't about that. This is about a space marine who is statistically likely to win, using the perscribed conditions. If you dislike the very concept of the exercise we're engaged in, and can't accept it's validity, that's totally fine. But in that case, why are you posting here? To what aim do you strive? Yes, what we're doing here is completely pointless and totally irrelevant. Just like *everything* 40k. I am thoroughly aware of that. Why do it, then? Because it's fun.
13) I didn't engineer the situation. And I have not given them every advantage, I've deliberately left several on the table. Go back and look at what they have, and what XP has been spent (and thus how much remains), and tell me that any of those characters is not viable for normal game play and able to contribute in a standard campaign. I haven't been requisitioning relics, or taking favored foe, or anything of that sort. The only one who is somewhat not viable for standard play is the black templar, but I like the narrative behind his choices best. Think about it- as the lone survivor of a squad which faced demons, he was trained as a kill marine with the specific task of taking them down. He's about the only one actually possible to be in this situation, having reasons he would be without a squad, and reasons why if there were a Bloodthirster alone (for reasons unknown), he would actively hunt him down and seek out combat.
And in terms of the Bloodthirster being in the most disadvantaged of positions, sure, he's at range, but otherwise I disagree, and we gave him cover besides! And on top of that, in terms of running away, do you *really* think a Bloodthirster would run scared from a lone Space Marine? The champions of the god of war, running scared from solo combat with a mortal space marine? I don't buy it, and I don't think you do either. If there is a different scenario you would like to posit, to see if it's possible for a space marine to emerge triumphant, in a statistically likely scenario, hey, I love doing this stuff, so I'd be happy to hear it. It might require more "munchkining", since it will be harder, so you might reject the results anyway (a Librarian maxing out his psy rating and taking 3 talents having to do with using psychic powers besides?!? How much more unrealistically munchkinized can you get!!!), but I would still have fun doing it.
How about this for a techmarine.
Requisition: master crafted Missile launcher loaded with concussive. Targeter as well.
Spend xp to maximize BS and damage to shots. Master at arms for felling. Accurate added either by forger or arcane armory.
Kill marine
Marine readies an action (using delay action) for when the BT moves. Fires a single shot. 6thru8d10+4 vs a 21(?) reduction. (I'm looking at BC and trying to reconvert the felling)
Marine should do 21 damage to get the blood thirster knocked down from concussive. Stuns do nothing to the bloodthirster.
Marine readies shot for when the BT stands up and starts to move.
Marine fires, BT dodges, Marine fires again using fire for effect and his reaction. BT can't dodge a second gets hit most likely knocking him down.
Every 8th missile requires a reload allowing the BT to advance.
Should (not a nearly guaranteed) get him before he gets to melee.
Edited by KamikazzijoeWell I admit when I'm wrong, hellfire only catches you on fire on a failed agi test.
Do you really believe Unmodified means, "Unmodified, except when a power doubles your bonus." Unmodified means unmodified, your normal Bonus never counts as being lower or higher than what is written in your characteristic box on your character sheet.
Who said the damon is running scared? Why can't he be running smart? Daemons aren't stupid. Retreating from a fight you know you will lose is not cowardice.
Per errata, the Willpower penalty from Fear does not apply to Focus Tests.
Horrible reading to say the least.
Still puzzling about or is the matter done?
No, not done, just busy. I never heard back from ffg in order to get more clarification on the kill marine and the use of chapter squad modes, nor could I find anything more regarding it from an official source than what is posted. Thus, I have no choice other than to accept the rules as written as being what herichimo indicated. As a result, that Assault Marine does not work, and I had to redo him. Having a vastly reduced number of attacks to get it done obviously made it much more difficult, but not impossible. I also recognized that the Bloodthirster would logically delay his action for an attack; there is no reason for him to do otherwise with his tactical understanding of the situation. I wanted to also do a more ‘cinematic’ representation of the combat playing out, so without further ado, the Assault Marine.
They saw each other from hundreds of yards out. As soon as they did, they took to the skies, neither showing any hesitation, any deviation from their course. They rocketed towards each other like missiles, in their own ways representing the diluted essence of the deified creatures from which they originated. The Bloodthirster streaked forward, monstrous and primal, an enormous and seemingly unstoppable mass. Behind it, the skies darkened and shadows gathered; tinged red with hints of either warp energy or blood, perhaps both. The Storm Warden, though smaller by far, unflinchingly advanced as though a force of nature, clouds similarly gathering behind him, crackling with electrified power waiting to be unleashed.
Veterans to thousands of combats played out over centuries of experience, their seemingly reckless speed was marked by imperceptible adjustments as they attempted to line up their actions for their point of contact, attempting to steal the initiative from the other. Recognizing the superior speed of the Storm Warden, the cunning Bloodthirster allowed him to think he held the edge, readying himself and delaying his actions, seeking to end this with a single, perfectly timed, attack.
At the last moment, as the Storm Warden careened in, the Bloodthirster halted his momentum with a lone beat of his impossibly powerful wings. He lashed out with his axe with perfect control and flawless estimation of distance. Not caught off guard, the jetpack of the Storm Warden screamed with the effort required to adjust his course. It proved to be barely enough, sparks flying from the shell of the jetpack as it scraped alongside the gargantuan axe passing below, the screech of metal on metal imperceptible beneath the deafening cry emitting from the promethium flames as the Storm Warden surged onwards. The scornful gaze of the Bloodthirster turned to one of surprise as the Storm Warden barreled into him, his charge having all the force of a thunderbolt unleashed. Impossibly, the Bloodthirster found his mass hurtling backwards, knocked from the skies.
Truly concerned for perhaps the first time in centuries, the Bloodthirster attempted to pick off the Storm Warden’s incoming lightning claw with his Gorewhip. His aim eminently flawless, the Gorewhip struck home, and yet the Storm Warden was not only undeterred, he used the momentum of the blow to begin spiraling like a corkscrew, tearing deep gouges up the body of the Bloodthirster as he struck again and again with preternatural speed. His momentum, angle, and force carried him up the Bloodthirster’s body as it fell, culminating with a final blow struck through the underside of the Bloodthirster’s chin, the Storm Warden’s arm sinking up to his shoulder into the skull of the Bloodthirster.
Finally arresting his momentum, the Storm Warden watched the Bloodthirster’s corpse fall away, the Warp even now beginning to reclaim it. Above, the storm broke, purifying rain falling and beginning to wash off the daemon’s tainted ichor from his armor. Lifting his arms and head in welcome of it, the Storm Warden held his position in midair. His spirits lifted even more than his gaze, the Storm Warden cried out in exultation to the desolate landscape around him, an Angel of Death venerating his almighty father.
“For the Emperor!”
Storm Warden Assault Marine (Wings of Angels)
WS 70 (3200) BS – Str 70 (1700) T – Agi 60 (700) Per – WP – Int – Fel –
Skills: Dodge +20 (1100)
Talents: Berserk Charge (700), Slayer of Daemons (1000), Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) (500), Lightning Attack (600), Death From Above (900), Preternatural Speed (1000), Crushing Blow (600), Thunder Charge (1000), Signature Wargear (500), Signature Wargear (Master) (1000), Signature Wargear (Hero) (1000)
Deed: Toe to Toe (200)
Distinction: Angel of Death (1000)
Wargear: Mk VI Corvus Armour, armour history: Gauntlets of Xirion; Master Crafted Lightning Claw (0); Master Crafted Lightning Claw (less than or equal to 60, depending on how you read things); Jump Pack (0)
Totals: Spent XP: 17,200; Requisition Used: 60 (or less); Distinctions Needed: 1
The Battle, more ‘clinically’: They charge each other. At some point within a couple of rounds of the point of impact, the Assault Marine activates the solo mode ability Feat of Strength. The Assault Marine, being faster, and armed with Wings of Angels, is able to get the actual charge action. The Bloodthirster, recognizing this is happening, delays his action for an attack. The Assault Marine, testing against a dodge of 90, and having fate points, successfully dodges. The Assault Marine has a total of 5 hits: 1 from Thunder Charge (an unarmed attack), 3 with Lightning Attack, and 1 with his offhand. Not being an idiot, the Bloodthirster opts not to parry the unarmed attack, and instead parries one of the Lightning Claw attacks, which he does successfully. The unarmed attack may or may not knock the Bloodthirster prone, it doesn’t matter if it does or doesn’t, as they’re still in midair at this point, I only mentioned it as doing so in the cinematic version because it has a slightly better chance of doing so than not, and it’s ‘cooler’ if it does.
The unarmed attack, being completely different from the Lightning Claw attacks, is testing against a WS of 100+ (70 + 10 (Master level foe) + 20 (Berserk Charge) + 10 (Slayer of Daemons)), and thus does not miss. It does 1d10 damage (6.1 w/ righteous fury) + 2d10 damage (Death from Above) + 30 (Unnatural Str x4 + 20 from Power Armour) + 2 (Slayer of Daemons) + 2 (Crushing Blow) + 2.5 (Wings of Angels) for a total of 54.8 damage, minus 31 from the armour and toughness of the Bloodthirster is 23.8 damage.
Each of the 3 Lightning Claw attacks that hit are testing against WS of 140 (70 + 10 (Gauntlets of Xirion) + 10 (Toe to Toe) = base WS of 90, +20 (Berserk Charge) + 10 (Slayer of Daemons) + 10 (Sig. Wargear Master) + 10 (Master Crafted) = 140), and as such does 80.4 damage (1d10 proven 4 (6.71) + 2d10 (12.2) + 6 (Lightning Claw) + 17 (from degrees of success) + 30 (Str) + 2 (Slayer of Daemons) + 2 (Crushing Blow) + 2 (Master Crafted) +2.5 (Wings of Angels), subtracting armour and toughness of 23 (accounting for pen 8) gives 57.4 damage for each of them. On the last blow, the Assault Marine activates Angel of Death and chooses to ignore the Bloodthirster’s toughness, dealing an additional 18 damage. Total damage is 23.8 + 57.4x3 + 18 = 214 damage, enough to outright slay the Bloodthirster.
Wasn't there also another trick with the SM running real fast at something with a powerfist? Somebody did some number crunching and the SM could almost reach escape velocity. Just speedy gonzalez that 'thirster in the face!
Altough slaying one of the blood god's top brass daemons in one on one melee is sure to atract Khorne's attention.
While worst cases consist of him turning you into a spawn, teleporting you to the realm of chaos for a personal duel, or him sending 8 bloodthirsters at you... Even the best case scenario is Khorne going, "wow you're awesome i'll shower you with daemonic gifts!"*
* this actualy happened in warhammer, some baron or knight solo'd a bloothirster rampaging trough his town, and Khorne was so impressed he turned him into a daemon prince. Que the baron going, "nooo, nooo nooo! im the good guy! noooo!"
How about this for a techmarine.
Requisition: master crafted Missile launcher loaded with concussive. Targeter as well.
Spend xp to maximize BS and damage to shots. Master at arms for felling. Accurate added either by forger or arcane armory.
Kill marine
Marine readies an action (using delay action) for when the BT moves. Fires a single shot. 6thru8d10+4 vs a 21(?) reduction. (I'm looking at BC and trying to reconvert the felling)
Marine should do 21 damage to get the blood thirster knocked down from concussive. Stuns do nothing to the bloodthirster.
Marine readies shot for when the BT stands up and starts to move.
Marine fires, BT dodges, Marine fires again using fire for effect and his reaction. BT can't dodge a second gets hit most likely knocking him down.
Every 8th missile requires a reload allowing the BT to advance.
Should (not a nearly guaranteed) get him before he gets to melee.
Meant to say earlier, I love this concept! The only trouble with the one you've posited is that you can't have more than one advanced specialty without GM approval (not that you can get distinctions without GM approval either, of course), so I've been trying to avoid that. When trying to rework it into just one advanced specialty, just the killmarine proves a bit inadequate, as there is too high of a chance of not hitting 21+ damage without that accurate quality. I've been working on doing it with a First Company Veteran, both to be able to have the semi auto dual shots coming in, and to be able to reroll damage, but between dodge potentially allowing the daemon to avoid all hits, and the damage still being a bit lackluster, I haven't been able to figure it out yet. The advantage going that route has as well is it's not using up any solo mode abilities yet, but other than the iron hands suffer no weakness (which I'd rather not reuse if I can avoid it) I haven't been able to find any abilities that allow for the kind of damage difference needed to get it done. Beyond the 4 damage bonus from master crafted and mighty shot, and counting the felling from Master of Arms (which retranslates into 6 additional pen, for what it's worth) I need 8 more to get it done, 6 minimum. If the blast were 6 instead of 5, too, the Bloodthirster couldn't dodge, and that would take care of that without the additional damage.
So, if you see anything that lets you increase the size of a blast, fire two weapons as part of a half action (solo mode abilities, not squad mode), increase the level of felling, double the pen of a ranged weapon, or add accurate or +6 or more damage without using an advanced specialty, let me know! As I was writing this, I was also thinking I might be able to get it done using a Killmarine in Terminator armour (don't need to be a first company vet to use the armour, just need the crux after all), but looking closer you can't be a killmarine as a Techmarine or Apothecary.
Hmmm i missed that about tech marines not being kill marines.
As for accurate, the arcane armory route requires requisition, not advance class so you wouldn't have to actually take the advance class.
As for the damage, i didn't include favored foe so that help notch it up a bit. Angel of death helps too.
Another option i'll need to explore is an arcane amory concussion storm bolter with special amo. Storm assault cannon will be reviewed as well.
This sounded better when before i started typing it but figured i would share this as food for thought. So same strat as above except:
Requisition: master crafted Plasma cannon gaining concussion from arcane weaponry
. Recharge suppressed by master forger. Targeter as well as a jet pack.
Spend xp to maximize BS and damage to shots. Master at arms for felling. Angel of death too.
Every round fires a maximal blast 3d10+16 pen 12 felling 1. which translates into 3d10+3 damage a shot. (10 hits and about 16 shots for the fatality)
The techmarine flies up and moves back each round to buy time while firing a maximal shot each round. Between the dodge and damage bell curve it will be about 1 in 4 shots achieve knock down. Angel of death is used a the "oh crap, its getting close"
It takes the BT 11 rounds to reach the marine. It should get knocked down 3 times plus 1 more from angel of death. So as long as the movement buys you 2 more rounds then you should win by probabily. Again, not the slam dunk that the doctor orders but the odd are in your favor.
Edited by KamikazzijoeHmmm i missed that about tech marines not being kill marines.
As for accurate, the arcane armory route requires requisition, not advance class so you wouldn't have to actually take the advance class.
As for the damage, i didn't include favored foe so that help notch it up a bit. Angel of death helps too.
Another option i'll need to explore is an arcane amory concussion storm bolter with special amo. Storm assault cannon will be reviewed as well.
This sounds perfect, where are you getting the stuff about the arcane armory? This conceptually is absolutely perfect for a techmarine as well, so I'm curious not just for the purposes of this exercise, but for my own character. I just can't find anything about this in the books I have, so a book and page number would be HUGELY appreciated! You are a gentleman and a scholar!
Possibly the single most unbalanced rule in the game:
From RoB page 219/220
There are a lot of things you are NOT taking into consideration for One on One fights.
1: The librarian is at -40 WP. The Bloodthirster has Fear(4), space marines do not roll on fear charts but they suffer -10 per fear level when not in squad mode if they would be affected by a character's fear.
7: All Astartes in Solo Mode are at -40 WP when 'fighting' the daemon, and are -65 WP when within 25m.
These can be negated by putting fearless on all of his proposed builds.
What about a Frenzying Blood Angels Techmarine that uses their OP solo mode ability and furious assault+hammer blow?
So i looked at tanking out the techmarine to go toe to toe in melee with his iconic axe....didn't work at all. You're all dreamy eyed thinking 14 toughness +2 from cybernetic +12 from your armor giving you 30 damage reduction. Throw in the storm shield and bonus cyber armors and life is looking good right? Nope, pen 10 on the BT axe plus felling plus a massive damage bonus means you're soaking most of your life every time you get hit.
So i looked at tanking out the techmarine to go toe to toe in melee with his iconic axe....didn't work at all. You're all dreamy eyed thinking 14 toughness +2 from cybernetic +12 from your armor giving you 30 damage reduction. Throw in the storm shield and bonus cyber armors and life is looking good right? Nope, pen 10 on the BT axe plus felling plus a massive damage bonus means you're soaking most of your life every time you get hit.
Probably means you'd have to find a way to make him ranged.
Another option to consider, a dreadnought vs. a bloodthirster.
OK so here is the storm bolter techmarine:
Same ranged set up as above except this time only need the favored foe deed.
Weapon is a sanctified storm bolter loaded with vengeance rounds. The BT loses 6 toughness to sanctified and another 6 to felling. His armor is reduced by 9 from the AP and another 2 from favored foe leaving hims with a DR of 8. The bolter does 1d10 tearing +11 so that is 19.3 -8 =11.3 damage a hit.
That is 18 hits needs for a fatality but this is a storm bolter so that dropped to 9.
9 hits on a s/4 weapon against a 40% dodge is easily a MDK in favor of the techmarine.
And just to show off, add accurate via forge master/master of arms and take a single shot that is undodgeable via angel of death and boom 3d10+3 tearing x 2
And the assault cannon. I like this one since it doesn't use arcane weaponry.
Favored Foe and master at arms for felling.
Boiled down its 2d10-4 tearing which is roughly 10 points of damage a hit. You fire up to 10 hits a shot a round and only need 20 so another easy MDK for the techmarine.
Using arcane weaponry you could make that 20 points a hit by going crazy and making it a storm assault cannon (just how many car washes did you promise your GM?) or 16 per hit going with sanctified.
The Apothecary:
The Black Templar finished climbing to the top of the rock, and surveyed the broken landscape around him. It took only a moment to spot the Bloodthirster, even now moving ever closer. Its lithe movements as it deftly slid from cover to cover combined with the lack of suitable reference points to belie its enormous size, yet his equipment counted down the meters between them. He felt his absolute hatred for it cresting to the surface, and longed to simply charge at it, battering it with his cannons as though they were clubs, yet though he embraced the wrath, he forced himself to channel his rage, melding it with his equipment, using the instruments of war that were part of him and surrounded him to execute his hatred and make it manifest.
He had petitioned for this role. It had been argued that the Tactical Marine was a better shot, that the Devastator Marine was more suited to the use of such heavy weaponry, that the Techmarine could form a more sublime union with the relics being sent to the field (his words), and even that, should one of them miraculously survive this mission, they would undoubtedly need his services. He had silenced all objections with the force of his hatred. Though he may be an Apothecary by training, he was a Space Marine above all else, and if they were to pool their resources and send only one Marine down, equipped as best as possible, to face this beast, he would not allow it to be anyone other than himself.
He smiled as the multiple target locks and acquisition sigils all lit up one by one, taking careful aim as the barrels of the Assault Cannons mounted to both arms of his Tactical Dreadnaught Armour began to spin to life, hungry for what was to come. The Bloodthirster sought to deny him a clean shot. Very well, he did not need one. With a thought, he engaged the systems fully, and watched with satisfaction as seemingly endless streaks of white hot fire coursed forward, smashing into and through the cover, blasting it to pieces even as the Bloodthirster behind bellowed with rage, utterly surprised by the devastating force of the attack.
The Bloodthirster immediately turned and fled, a titanic force which readily engaged vehicles and whole companies of men, which led forces thousands strong against forces hundreds of thousand strong, unwilling to engage in single combat against a lone enemy. Likely he recognized that he could not survive another such attack, and would never close the distance. His cowardice inspired the Black Templar to new heights of rage, and it took all his tremendous willpower to resist simply firing blindly in rage at its retreating form. Yet he knew that he simply lacked the accuracy at this range to perform effectively while doing so, and having been entrusted with this wargear and this mission, he would not allow failure.
Carefully aiming once more, he watched with impatience as the targeting sigils lit up before letting forth another burst of his rage. Unable to sustain its form, the Bloodthirster began to dissipate. Seeing this, the Black Templar let loose, firing heedless of his inaccuracy until his barrels were empty and the form had entirely vanished. He tried to take comfort in his victory, tried to remind himself that whole worlds, possibly whole campaigns, had been saved by the elimination of this champion while it inexplicably stood alone, yet his thoughts haunted him as he prepared for extraction.
‘I am just a man, possibly the least well suited amongst us for this task. Any of them, armed with these mighty relics, could just as easily have accomplished this task.’
Black Templar Apothecary
WS 50(0) BS 70 (5000) Str – T – Agi 40 (0) Int – Per – WP – Fel –
Hatred (Daemons) (500), Detestation (1500)
Sword Brother (1000)
Armour History: None Shall Escape the Emperor’s Wrath (+5 BS)
Cybernetics: Exceptional MIU
Terminator Armour (60), Mastercraft Assault Cannon x2 (120), Astartes Targeter (25), Motion Predictor x2 (40), Arcane Armoury (Felling) x2 (30)
Totals: Spent XP: 8000; Requisition 275; Distinctions Used 0; Cybernetics Used 1; Advanced Specializations Used: 1
For this mission, the Sword Brother chooses the special ability Wrathful Firepower. The Apothecary spends his first turn aiming. The next turn, he uses the Multiple Attacks action to unleash with both Assault Cannons. The assault cannons are testing against a BS of 135 (Base 75, -10 (Two Weapon Fighting), -30 (Range), +20 (Full Auto Burst), +30 (Size), +20 (Aiming), +10 (Motion Predictors, +10 (MIU), +10 (Hatred) = 135). He has a 5% chance of missing, a 10% chance each of getting 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 hits, and a 35% chance of getting 10 hits. These probabilities apply to both attacks.
The Bloodthirster has a 60% chance to fail to dodge entirely, and a 10% chance each of dodging 1, 2, 3, or 4 attacks. It does not matter whether he dodges the first or second attack, as the total number of hits is the same either way. Also, it’s impossible for the Bloodthirster to dodge a greater number of hits than were caused by an attack (the minimum number of hits is equal to the maximum number of hits dodged), so no worries there.
The Assault Cannon deals 2d10+18 pen 6 (felling) damage. If you have an issue with using Arcane Armoury, Felling could just as readily be obtained from Master of Arms, it’s simply that I’ve used that one before and haven’t used Arcane Armoury, and I wanted to show there’s more than one way to put felling on a weapon.
The first hit is 2d10+18 - 19 (armour and toughness) -12 (cover), or 2d10-13 damage. This rises with each subsequent hit, until the 13 th and onwards attacks, which deal 2d10-1 damage each. After accounting for the various probabilities of the number of hits, as well as the possibility of dodging, there are the following chances of any given number of hits:
0: .35%; 1: .2%; 2: .3%; 3: .4%; 4: 1.1%; 5: 1.3%; 6: 1.85%; 7: 2.15%; 8: 3.05%; 9: 3.95; 10: 6.6%; 11: 5.8%; 12: 6.9%; 13: 7.8%; 14: 11%; 15: 10%; 16: 9.625%; 17: 8.125%; 18: 6.725%; 19: 5.425%; 20: 7.35%
Each hit does the following amount of damage on average:
1 st : 3.57; 2 nd : 4.21; 3 rd : 4.92; 4 th : 5.70; 5 th : 6.55; 6 th : 7.44; 7 th : 8.37; 8 th : 9.33; 9 th : 10.31; 10 th : 11.30; 12 th : 12.29; 12 th : 13.29; 13 th +: 14.29
As a result, the final average damage for one round of firing is 126.11. Since this is well over ½ the Bloodthirster’s wounds, at this point the expectation is that he would flee, but it truly does not matter, either way at the end of round 4 the Bloodthirster falls. Should the Bloodthirster be foolish enough to take to the skies, he falls in a single round of damage.
Obviously you are not normally going to get 250+ requisition, including special issue weaponry and terminator armour, my main point with this was that if you throw enough requisition at it, at some point the person inside stops mattering very much. Had this been a tactical marine instead of an Apothecary, you could swap out Marksman for the motion predictors, MIU, and hatred, and Mighty Shot for Sword Brother and Detestation, but as this is an apothecary, he needs all the help he can get. Besides, the Tactical Marine doesn’t really need any of this; he has half a dozen other ways he can get it done, while with the Apothecary, unless he really digs deep, he’s in trouble. Note too that you could use much less and still get the job done, a suit of Terminator Armour with dual assault cannons is all that is truly required, assuming the Bloodthirster continues to advance in an unrelenting fashion, but especially in Terminator Armour, there's nothing you can do to prevent him from escaping, so since pushing it to this level was possible, I felt it was necessary. My goal here has been to provide a variety of different tactics that can successfully get the job done, even though this one is a bit of a stretch, I hope it satisfies you all.
Doesn't the range penalty disappear with the targeter?
Its open for interpretation but my GM ruled that arcane armory gets added to the weapon before the quality multiplier.
Could you imagine how much mockery this apothecary would have to endure if he managed to miss and the BT turned and fled so he didn't get the kill "man, you had two master crafted assault cannons and you couldn't take down one measly target?"
Well, the Targeter does include the functionality of a Telescopic Sight, but a Telescopic Sight eliminates the penalty for long and extreme ranges when you take a full action to aim, so aiming is still necessary anyway, and more importantly a Telescopic Sight is only applicable for a basic weapon, so (same as how a Red Dot Sight is only for pistol or basic weapons) I had been reading it that it wouldn't apply to the weapon at all.
In terms of the Apothecary not getting it done, yeah, that would be an endless amount of shame. It's very possible that he would be able to get it done even without aiming, but I had designed my tables initially as I math hammered this through with the assumption he was testing against a BS of 135, because I didn't realize how hard it would be for an Apothecary to get there. Not only did I not want to have to redo and re engineer all of that to accommodate a lower BS score, but when he can score a lower number of DOS than the Bloodthirster can dodge, now suddenly it matters which attack is dodged, so it would actually be twice as hard to calculate as well.
The techmarine I just need to finish some calculations and write it up, so it should come "soon" (I would imagine in the next week), and it's one that both disappointed me and made me immensely happy, so we'll see what people think of it.
The math can be enough to make you say "My marine yells 'Burn in the emperor's light!' " Then blows the suicide vest full of melta charges, then burns a fate point to live.