My group are, frankly, power gamers and munchkins. Without my firm hand of GMing to keep them on the straight and narrow who knows what insanity would ensue.
However they don't own many of the supplements beyond the core rule book. I have most of the books. The question came up, could a marine given unlimited experience points and whatever equipment they wanted ever get to a point where they could take on a Bloodthirster in a one on one fight? (no elite advances though).
The only restrictions are that the weaponry had to be man portable, so no vehicles and no dirty tricks like calling in a Lance strike. I suppose Bikes are allowed at a pinch as would simple emplacements like Tarantulas.
I guess in terms of distance lets say a maximum distance of 500m seperates the two adversaries and there is average cover for both combatants (not withstanding the size disparity).
Personally I am not a power gamer and don't hugely have the mindset to trawl the rule books for the 'perfect' combination. But I did promise to put the question to the is it possible?. Can a single marine ever hope to prevail against Khornes finest?
(I'll brace myself for the horror and madness of munchkinisim that will come forth).
Edited by Visitor Q