Location of "Targets" and Card in use

By Shunsen, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Yep, I was the rules editor (and a playtester) after all :-)

RRG pg 3, Actions:

"Some Action effects have a phase name as a precursor to the word “Action.” Such effects are still considered Action effects, with the restriction that they can only be initiated during an action window in the specified phase."

I still say we need a badge or symbol or even avatar to mark the #page29Posse ! LOL!

Custom avatar!

RRG pg 3, Actions:

"Some Action effects have a phase name as a precursor to the word “Action.” Such effects are still considered Action effects, with the restriction that they can only be initiated during an action window in the specified phase."

somehow last night I missed this reply.