Hello All. New to the forum and will no doubt have lots of possible obscure questions regarding the game.
Something cropped up in a game I had the other night that caused some issues.
My friend was playing as the Callidus Assassin and landed on a space that ended up drawing a weak enemy threat card that summons other threats to help it when engaged. My friend decided that his characters rule allowed him to evade any enemy so engaged the original threat. Another friend brought up an interesting question about the timing of the evade saying that because he (the assassin) had committed to the fight, that he could not evade the additional threats that would join that fight.
I suspect that for most people it is open to interpretation but I would assume that once committing to a fight (choosing not to evade) you cannot evade opponents that automatically join the fight because of the conditions of the fight.
If a Game Dev could clarify what would happen in this situation that would be very helpful as my friend (the Assassin player) is that pedantic
Thanks for your time.