The long wait begins, for Mansions 2nd Edition

By Radioactivepanda, in Mansions of Madness

Well FF is obviously happy enough with the Descent 2nd Edition system to use it with their new Star Wars game. And given the lack of announcements both at Gencon and over the last year it's a pretty safe bet that if we do see any more Mansions it'll be in a revised format similar to those 2 titles.

I'm largely ok with that.

I'm not so much a fan of the movement shenanigans that Descent encourages, and the figure expansions are somewhat less than economical, but I think it's a very flexible and easy to use system. The objective tokens work well enough that we've already toyed with the idea of incorporating them into our own Mansions games. It's not like searching every room on the map is a viable strategy now anyways. Using markers instead of all those stacks of cards is a very attractive idea. Plus reworking things to make custom stories MUCH easier to create is a big plus. And proper campaigns? Absolutely. Especially given the minis coming out any day now from Cthulhu Wars.

So while I'm not thrilled that virtually everything I've already bought is slated for obsolescence, and I have bought everything, I'm glad to see they've found a system that works, and I look forward to the day they make the switch with Mansions so I can start buying new expansions again.

Seriously, Kickstart it if you have to. I will find the money.

If they revise MoM into a Decent style game I won't be buying it. I own both and Decent gets very little play time. It feels a little simplistic and every time I is set up the board I think "that's it? It's so small."

I don't think cthulhu descent would work, I much prefer how MoM handles things.

I've seen nothing to make me think FFG would do this.

I was really excited about cthulhu wars when I first saw it but that wore off a bit, now I'll only buy it for the gameplay. I'm much more excited about the achtung cthulhu game due out in November (the skirmish game not the existing rpg) as the minis better represent how I imagined the mythos creatures to look. The full range of minis will be out in November although some can already be purchased.

Barring a last minute Sunday announcement, Mansions hasn't had an announcement in very nearly a year. Nov '13 for the Laboratory, and prior to that Call of the Wild was Feb '13. A year and a half since the last real expansion. That's pretty abandoned for FF. However they've been working hard on Eldritch Horror, which seems to be a loose reboot of Arkham Horror, and Elder Sign seems to have done well. So they're obviously still confident in the Mythos as a whole. They've already shown they're perfectly willing to reboot a game, and while Mansions is popular, it doesn't seem to be doing as well as they'd like. I could easily be wrong, and next year could see another big box expansion, but I'm not holding my breath.

I agree the Descent system won't work as a straight up conversion. The line of sight and movement rules are terrible, and Mansions handles both of those better. That being said, I have no huge issue with them reformatting the map tiles, as they seem to be improving with each expansion. House rules fix the issues pretty easily, and there's a few descent tiles I wouldn't mind mixing in, assuming they fit.

The big thing I'd like to see them do is get the cards off the map. By switching to the search and objective token system they could speed up setup and teardown immensely. Separate decks for weapons, spells, etc would also make it easier to combine expansions. And give us a better sense of variety when searching. Of course this means considerably more tokens than Descent uses, but there's nothing to prevent them from doing that.

There are aspects of Descent that are simplistic, but that's because most of the scenarios are quick little battles. The system is perfectly capable of handling larger stories, as it all depends on the scenario rules. And really, you could run a story that takes place in several settings and not have it take up an entire day to play. I think FF is perfectly capable of folding in some of the depth found in Mansions and producing something great.

I really hope this isn't the case, but if it is I hope they keep releasing PODs until the next edition comes out. I like descent, but it's not really something I (or my friends) play. If they do a second edition I hope they either improve upon the current mansions system or create a new system; The Descent 2nd ED system just seems like it would strip too much of the mansions "vibe" away from the game. As always, I remain ever hopeful that we will receive an announcement for another big box expansion soon.

Do you guys really think that will happen? I'm just learned about this game now and I'm thinking about buying it soon. If you guys expect an update/overhaul coming soon then maybe I'll hold off and wait. I'd be pissed if they announced a 2.0 right after I bought it.

Everything here should be taken with a good grain of salt, since there's no real evidence other than rumors about any kind of rework. We must wait patiently, but personally I wouldn't hesitate to buy MoM at this point.

I find the idea of replacing cards by tokens definitely interesting, tho I hope MoM will still be game-wise separate to Descent II.

Looks like Arkham Nights will have a MoM "play with the designer". I think the last POD was announced during that event last year.

I want a 2nd edition with CotW-style scenario support in it from the base game, and all the setup handled by an app!