Official Adversary Cards?

By Tycho120, in Star Wars Roleplaying Specialization and Adversary Decks

I saw that FFG is releasing Adversary Cards at GenCon. What is the best way to get these cards? I'm a GM and these would be super useful.

Probably the best way is to buy them once they're released. :)

Ways to do that would include:

* your local game shop

* FFG's online store


I don't think there's any word on when they'll be released.

They're really nice, actually. They have the descriptions for the talents printed right on the cards, Super handy.

I grabbed all 3 sets at Gencon. They will be seeing lots of play at my table. Well worth the money when you can find them out in the real world.

Okay, I just haven't seen anything from FFG regarding these cards and their release.

I'm sure they'll be out soon.

Next thing I'd like to see; Vehicle cards. Would make it super useful for PCs who grab a passing speeder or for GMs running a fight against a couple differnt styles of TIEs.

I just heard about these on the Order 66. I can't believe this news slipped under the radar.

Can't wait, this'll be a great prep tool!