Elite Advances

By signoftheserpent, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

So to be clear, a player creating a new character who wants to be an Inquisitor has to spend all 1000 starting xp on that advance. Is that practical?

There are also only 3 Elite advances: Inquisitor, Psyker and Untouchable. But nothing for Tech Priests, Assassins, Ministorum etc?

Psyker is included in the Mystic role, so you only need to pay if you want to be a psyker with another role.

Being an Inquisitor right from the start is usually not possible, as it has a very high Influence requirement.

Untouchables are very rare - and depending on the campaign are quite powerful. So some extra costs are ok here imo.

Edited by GauntZero

Wait: the whole point of the changes in edition was to allow players to have the option to start as Inquisitors themselves, not just mere lackeys!

well, give the group a few more XP and they should be fine. I don't know with how many XP the PCs start, but I'm assuming it'd not be enough to be qualified to be an Inquisitor :)

And I myself am more of a "PCs have to claw their way up" kind of game anyway.

I'm just somewht disappointed that this is the inevitable bait for supplements: the (FACTION) supplement that allows you to be (ELITE FACTION MEMBER). Come on, that's just cheap. It didn't need to be that way.

I'm just somewht disappointed that this is the inevitable bait for supplements: the (FACTION) supplement that allows you to be (ELITE FACTION MEMBER). Come on, that's just cheap. It didn't need to be that way.

I'm just somewht disappointed that this is the inevitable bait for supplements: the (FACTION) supplement that allows you to be (ELITE FACTION MEMBER). Come on, that's just cheap. It didn't need to be that way.

That's usually not how the supplements work, and if that's your hook, you deserve to swallow it, line and sinker.

Do you not think that is how the DH2 line will work? Supplements covering various aspects/factions, just like DH1, with various career/role advances.

Why would you think the entire point of a second edition was to allow starting as inquisitors?

And you can, it just requires starting with a higher Exp amount, because Inquisitors are the very best of mankind.

Also you can easily make [ELITE FACTION MEMBER] with the really flexible char gen. If you want to be a high ranking Mechanicus, be Forge World -> Adeptus Mechanicus -> then take Seeker (Explorator), Sage (Magos), Chirurgeon (Biologis), Warrior (Skitarii), anything!, and then toss on extra Exp at the start

Possibilities are endless

I expect that future supplements will be more like OWs and BCs supplements, adding new talents, elite advances and rules for things like intrigue and political manipulation on a massive scale, but everything you need is in the corebook. they aren't restricting your character choices at all

Edited by Felenis

I think weapon training is a bit expesive. Las and Solid projectile are quite common in the imperium: they should cost 100/200 xp max. Feral world character should be able to buy low-tech for 100 instead of 400xp.

And you can, it just requires starting with a higher Exp amount, because Inquisitors are the very best of mankind.

A bit like the new edition of Shadowrun having alternate starting rules for "street level" and "professional runner" campaigns, I reckon.

I expect that future supplements will be more like OWs and BCs supplements, adding new talents, elite advances and rules for things like intrigue and political manipulation on a massive scale, but everything you need is in the corebook. they aren't restricting your character choices at all

A reasonable expectation. Looking back at DH1, it would compare to stuff like the Book of Judgement expanding on the Arbitrator even though it was already a class in the core rulebook. The value of the supplement (and whether you really "need" it) thus depends on the individual group's ability to get creative and make up stuff on their own, or be entirely dependent on having stuff written for them.

Releasing character creation options six months down the line after people have started playing is counter productive IMO

I see nothing wrong with not allowing players to become Inquisitors until they've accumulated a lot of XP. A lot of the fun in a DH campaign (for me at least) comes from starting at low power and gradually working your way up to the highest ranks of the Inquisition, making powerful recurring enemies along the way. The arch-heretic whose minions trounced you at a low level might be tracked down and eventually killed by the same Acolytes much later, when one of them is brandishing a Rosette :D

Releasing character creation options six months down the line after people have started playing is counter productive IMO

That's the how many games work, and how the company makes it's money. Believe it or not, but people make new characters after the first book has been released.

And again, I expect it will be more like Only War, where the vast majority of content is for already experienced characters, with advanced archetypes and new talents

I think that the intent was to allow Inquisitors to be made from the core rulebook, not necessarily to say that they are a starting character option.

Releasing character creation options six months down the line after people have started playing is counter productive IMO

I'm pretty sure most descriptions of Dark Heresy, both 1st and 2nd Editions, make it clear you're Acolytes working for the Inquisition.

The Inquisitor Advance is just a novelty for groups who really wanted a bit of potato to eat before the (presumably) main course Supplement arrives. Dark Heresy 1 didn't even have that at all until Ascension. Really, if it's that big of a problem for you then this is what GM Houseruling is for.

I reckon most people will, since it's a new game, be starting their groups off at the lowest XP level and potentially working their way up over weeks or months or even years to get to the point that they can be fully fledged Inquisitors. There's no point cramming it all in the corebook yet.

Edited by Arbitrator